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Lab Meetings Spring 2022 #27

Closed Danielcalza closed 2 years ago

Danielcalza commented 2 years ago

1/13 - Tamara. Suzanne Stapleton Zoom meeting, literature search strategies and citation management.

1/27 - Tamara and Ajit. Critiquing two separate papers, qualitative vs. quantitative research studies.

2/10 - Daniel. The critic of a plant diversity paper: Haddad, N., Crutsinger, G., Gross, K., Haarstad, J., & Tilman, D. (2010). Plant diversity and the stability of foodwebs. Ecology Letters, 14(1), 42-46. doi: 10.1111/j.1461-0248.2010.01548.x

2/24 - Da-Young. Bowen, K. L., & Hagan, A. K. (2015). Temperature and moisture conditions that affect aflatoxin contamination of peanuts. Peanut Science, 42(2), 121-127.

3/10 - Spring Break

3/24 - Tamara. Yao, Y., Miao, Y., Huang, S., Gao, L., Ma, X., Zhao, G., ... & Zhu, H. (2012). Active canopy sensor-based precision N management strategy for rice. Agronomy for sustainable development, 32(4), 925-933.

4/7 - Ajit.

4/21 - Reading Days & Final Exams