TREEcg / extract-cbd-shape

Get all RDF triples/quads related to an entity based on CBD and a SHACL shape
MIT License
9 stars 2 forks source link

Spring clean #3

Closed ajuvercr closed 11 months ago

ajuvercr commented 12 months ago

Add @types/n3 for better type checking + strict rule in tsconfig

pietercolpaert commented 12 months ago

Of course this PR is pretty hard to review due to the indentation change. Is this indentation now somewhere defined so others don’t bump into the same problem?

ajuvercr commented 12 months ago

Damm github got some updates, you can when reviewing the pr only look at the diffs from after the formatting, check out the link. No it is not configured at the moment, you can use prettier for that if wanted.