TREEcg / specification

RDF vocabulary and hypermedia specification to publish your Linked Data using search trees
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Question about comparing strings #80

Open xdxxxdx opened 1 year ago

xdxxxdx commented 1 year ago

Quote from SPEC "When a tree:path is defined, mind that you also may have to check the language of the element using the property shacl:inLanguage More languages MAY be set. When no language is set, all strings are compared."

It is not clear where this shacl:inLanguage is supposed to be. Is it gonna be inside the shacl shape which linked by tree:shape. If it is the case, the predicate which pointing to a language which doesn't conform to the shacl:inLanguage won't be ingested to the LDES Server. Or is it a part of thetree:Relation. Like

 tree:relation   [ rdf:type   tree:Relation ;
                          tree:node  <xxx>;
                          shacl:inLanguage "En"
                        ] .


pietercolpaert commented 9 months ago

It should be indeed according to your example, but we didn’t correctly specify it that way. Leaving this issue open to be clarified in the spec