TRI-ML / dd3d

Official PyTorch implementation of DD3D: Is Pseudo-Lidar needed for Monocular 3D Object detection? (ICCV 2021), Dennis Park*, Rares Ambrus*, Vitor Guizilini, Jie Li, and Adrien Gaidon.
MIT License
451 stars 74 forks source link

Classes Pedestrian and Cyclist much lower than paper #22

Closed Chen-Bo-Yang closed 2 years ago

Chen-Bo-Yang commented 2 years ago

I uesd released weight on GitHub, KITTI DLA-34 and KITTI V2-99. And I tried to use both weight to do evaluation on validation set. I could get similer results on Car class, but on other classes are all limited to zero. I known the TTA and different evaluation sets are cause variance. But the variance should not be so much. Are there any missing settings that are causing this issue? Below table is my evaluate results:

Car AP R40@0.7 Paper KITTI Submit KITTI DLA KITTI V2
BEV AP Easy 30.98 32.35 31.65 40.70
Med 22.56 23.41 24.43 32.04
Hard 20.03 20.42 21.72 28.54
3D AP Easy 23.22 23.19 22.56 30.38
Med 16.34 16.87 16.98 23.73
Hard 14.20 14.36 14.93 20.88
Pedestrian AP R40@0.7 Paper KITTI Submit KITTI DLA KITTI V2
BEV AP Easy 15.90 18.58 0.04 0.538
Med 10.85 12.51 0.03 0.056
Hard 8.05 10.65 0.01 0.028
3D AP Easy 13.91 16.64 0.007 0.017
Med 9.30 11.04 0.008 0.018
Hard 8.05 9.38 0.009 0.019
Cyclist AP R40@0.7 Paper KITTI Submit KITTI DLA KITTI V2
BEV AP Easy 3.20 9.20 0.44 0.447
Med 1.99 5.69 0.27 0.229
Hard 1.79 5.20 0.28 0.258
3D AP Easy 2.39 7.52 0.13 0.126
Med 1.52 4.79 0.12 0.123
Hard 1.31 4.22 0.11 0.111

And I have another question about published results, why it has differece between arxiv paper and kitti submit.

Thank you so much.

sanmin0312 commented 2 years ago

Hello. Your results for the pedestrian class and cyclist class are based on IOU=0.7. However, KITTI evaluates pedestrian and cyclist based on IOU=0.5 (While the car class is evaluated on IOU=0.7) You can find the evaluation criterion in

Chen-Bo-Yang commented 2 years ago

Very thank for your reply, it's my mistake.