TRI-ML / vidar

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Depthformer pre-trained checkpoint ? #52

Open tcourat opened 9 months ago

tcourat commented 9 months ago


Where can I access the DepthFormer pre-trained checkpoint ? Also, is there a convenient way to use torchhub to load it like for the 3 other models (Define, Zerodepth and packnet) ? Having a little code snippet showing how to load DepthFormer and use it (expected input format) would help a lot. :)


AlanceLau commented 7 months ago

zerodepth_model = torch.hub.load('/home/alance/.cache/torch/hub/TRI-ML_vidar_main', 'ZeroDepth', pretrained=True, source='local', path="/home/alance/.cache/torch/hub/checkpoints/ZeroDepth_unified.ckpt")