TRIQS / cthyb

A fast and generic hybridization-expansion solver
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Bug in complex cthyb: imaginary offdiagonal elements in hloc ignored #81

Closed RobertTriebl closed 6 years ago

RobertTriebl commented 6 years ago

Dear all,

I think I just discovered a bug in the complex CTHYB solver together with @gkraberger.

In the file solver_core.cpp line 110 in the unstable branch the maximal imaginary part is calculated from the real part

 for (int b : range(gf_struct.size())) max_imag = std::max(max_imag, max_element(abs(real(_G0_iw[b].singularity()(2)))));

Consequences: When one has offdiagonal elements in H0_loc that are all purely imaginary, they are ignored.


mferrero commented 6 years ago

That indeed looks like a bug. @Wentzell , @HugoStrand , @parcollet do you agree?

parcollet commented 6 years ago

What is the consequence of this ?

HugoStrand commented 6 years ago

Dear Robert,

Thank you for reporting. I am trying to write a small test that reproduces the problem (before fixing the bug). If you have some simple example code that reproduces it would be helpful as reference.

Cheers, Hugo

gkraberger commented 6 years ago


Olivier, the consequence is that the quadratic part of the local Hamiltonian (i.e., what comes from G0_iw) is ignored in the CTHYB calculation if it only consists of imaginary elements (real part = 0 for all elements).

Hugo, although I'm not Robert, I can give you an example:

import numpy as np
from import *
from pytriqs.operators import *
from pytriqs.applications.impurity_solvers.cthyb import Solver
Hloc = np.array([[0,0.1j],[-0.1j,0.0]])
S = Solver(beta=40,gf_struct={'ud':[0,1]})
S.G0_iw << inverse(Omega-Hloc)
Hint = Operator()
S.solve(h_int = Hint,n_cycles=1)

This writes out (using the complex version of the solver, of course), among other things,

The local Hamiltonian of the problem:

As soon as at least one real part of any element of Hloc is sufficiently large (10^-14 is enough), it works. I.e, replacing Hloc by

Hloc = np.array([[1.e-14,0.1j],[-0.1j,0.0]])


The local Hamiltonian of the problem:
(0,0.1)*c_dag('ud',0)*c('ud',1) + (0,-0.1)*c_dag('ud',1)*c('ud',0)

Cheers, Gernot

parcollet commented 6 years ago

Ok, my question is then the impact on previous computations.

RobertTriebl commented 6 years ago

I think the impact is very low, one has to be careful in specific cases, though.

HugoStrand commented 6 years ago

Dear all,

I have pushed a test and a fix on unstable Robert could you please test that the fixes works for you?

Best, Hugo

HugoStrand commented 6 years ago

I have done a backport of the bugfix for the master branch, see above.

Robert and Gernot can we close this issue?

gkraberger commented 6 years ago

In master, everything works fine now. But if the solver is compiled in the real version and one passes a G0_iw with a complex Hloc, the complex entries are just ignored and no error is thrown (I ran into this problem when testing because I forgot to turn on the complex compilation). This can lead to false results if one does not check whether the Hloc used in the solver is correct (the same is true for unstable).

In unstable, four tests fail

The following tests FAILED:
         15 - atomic_observables (Failed)
         18 - measure_static (Failed)
         23 - complex_bug81 (Failed)
         24 - complex_Gtau_ED (Failed)

Interestingly, in the LastTest.log file, in the part for the complex_bug81, the reported Hloc at the beginning is still the one with the missing off-diagonal elements, but the value of S.h_loc is totally different. To me, this looks like a data type issue.

23/24 Testing: complex_bug81
23/24 Test: complex_bug81
Command: "/usr/bin/python" "/temp/AG-CMS/TRIQS/complex/new_debian/unstable/src/cthyb/test/python/"
Directory: /temp/AG-CMS/TRIQS/complex/new_debian/unstable/build/cthyb/test/python
"complex_bug81" start time: Jan 26 14:48 CET
Starting on 1 Nodes at : 2018-01-26 14:48:56.351035

╔╦╗╦═╗╦╔═╗ ╔═╗  ┌─┐┌┬┐┬ ┬┬ ┬┌┐ 
 ║ ╠╦╝║║═╬╗╚═╗  │   │ ├─┤└┬┘├┴┐
 ╩ ╩╚═╩╚═╝╚╚═╝  └─┘ ┴ ┴ ┴ ┴ └─┘

The local Hamiltonian of the problem:
1*c_dag('ud',0)*c('ud',0) + 3*c_dag('ud',1)*c('ud',1)
Using autopartition algorithm to partition the local Hilbert space
Found 4 subspaces.

Warming up ...

Accumulating ...

[Rank 0] Timings for all measures:
Measure            | seconds   
Average sign       | 1.4332e-05
G_tau measure      | 0.000162534
Total measure time | 0.000176866
[Rank 0] Acceptance rate for all moves:
Move set Insert two operators: 0
  Move  Insert Delta_ud: 0
Move set Remove two operators: 0
  Move  Remove Delta_ud: 0
Move  Shift one operator: 0
[Rank 0] Warmup lasted: 0.0769272 seconds [00:00:00]
[Rank 0] Simulation lasted: 1.3214e-05 seconds [00:00:00]
[Rank 0] Number of measures: 1
Total number of measures: 1
Average sign: 1
h_loc_ref = (0+0.1j)*c_dag('ud',0)*c('ud',1) + 1*c_dag('ud',0)*c('ud',0) + 3*c_dag('ud',1)*c('ud',1) + (0-0.1j)*c_dag('ud',1)*c('ud',0)
S.h_loc = (10j)*c_dag('ud',0)*c('ud',0) + (30j)*c_dag('ud',1)*c('ud',1)
diff = (0+0.1j)*c_dag('ud',0)*c('ud',1) + (0-0.1j)*c_dag('ud',1)*c('ud',0)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/temp/AG-CMS/TRIQS/complex/new_debian/unstable/src/cthyb/test/python/", line 62, in <module>
    check_h_loc(h_loc_ref, h_loc_mat, orb=orb)
  File "/temp/AG-CMS/TRIQS/complex/new_debian/unstable/src/cthyb/test/python/", line 53, in check_h_loc
    assert( diff.is_zero() )
<end of output>
Test time =   1.64 sec
Test Failed.
"complex_bug81" end time: Jan 26 14:48 CET
"complex_bug81" time elapsed: 00:00:01

Unfortunately, I don't have the time to dig into this right now, but I'll be happy to provide quick answers if necessary or to look more closely in two weeks.

gkraberger commented 6 years ago

I just couldn't stop looking at it :-).

The problem is, when the the real version of CTHYB is installed and one builds the complex version, for testing purposes, still the real version is used. I think I ran into that issue before, but I never think of it. After installing the complex version, all tests pass.

So, now just one possible improvement remains: warnings in the real CTHYB if complex quantities are passed.

RobertTriebl commented 6 years ago

I also tried now my script where the bug appeared first in addition to the tests. Everything works fine now. From my point, we can close the issue.

Thanks for fixing!