Deleting a h5 group with the triqs h5 python layer is not possible. Consider as a simple example the following standard dft_tools archive with the top layer content:
HDFArchive (partial view) with the following content:
dft_input : subgroup
dft_misc_input : subgroup
dft_symmcorr_input : subgroup
with HDFArchive('svo.h5','a') as ar:
del ar['dft_misc_input']
is not deleting the group. The output still looks the same. However, with h5py this is possible:
import h5py
with h5py.File('svo.h5', 'a') as ar:
del ar['dft_misc_input']
removes the group from the archive:
HDFArchive (partial view) with the following content:
dft_input : subgroup
dft_symmcorr_input : subgroup
Deleting a h5 group with the triqs h5 python layer is not possible. Consider as a simple example the following standard dft_tools archive with the top layer content:
is not deleting the group. The output still looks the same. However, with
this is possible:removes the group from the archive:
I also noticed that the example given in the docstring of the h5 main class do not work:
the test was done on the 1.1.x branch, but the unstable branch shows the same behavior.