TRON-Bioinformatics / seq2HLA

In-silico method written in Python and R to determine HLA genotypes of a sample. seq2HLA takes standard RNA-Seq sequence reads in fastq format as input, uses a bowtie index comprising all HLA alleles and outputs the most likely HLA class I and class II genotypes (in 4 digit resolution), a p-value for each call, and the expression of each class.
MIT License
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How to modify the software and make a reference to call HLA types from mouse species? #2

Closed pl618 closed 4 years ago

pl618 commented 5 years ago


How to modify the software and make a reference to call HLA types from mouse species?


sebboegel commented 4 years ago

Thank you very much for your interest in seq2HLA. However, seq2HLA is specifically designed for typing Human Leukocyte Antigens (HLA) types and can therefore not easily adapted to the much less homozygous MHC system in mice (H2). You might have a look at I hope that helps.



pl618 commented 4 years ago

Thank you!