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[BUGs, MINOR] Potioncrafting errors and tweaks #571

Open SpadesNeil opened 1 week ago

SpadesNeil commented 1 week ago

https://github.com/TS-Rogue-Star/Rogue-Star/blob/61361a7c6d1fa38075fdc1ba2df2b872b91c6267/code/modules/reagents/machinery/alembic.dm#L2 image Very silly.

https://github.com/TS-Rogue-Star/Rogue-Star/blob/61361a7c6d1fa38075fdc1ba2df2b872b91c6267/code/modules/food/glass/bottle_potion.dm#L41 Spelled wrong. It's resistance, not resistence.

https://github.com/TS-Rogue-Star/Rogue-Star/blob/61361a7c6d1fa38075fdc1ba2df2b872b91c6267/code/modules/food/glass/bottle_potion.dm#L125 Thick potion makes you fat, why does thin potion just make you drunk? This should produce lipozilase instead in my opinion. Ethanol can be a new and different failed potion reaction.

https://github.com/TS-Rogue-Star/Rogue-Star/blob/61361a7c6d1fa38075fdc1ba2df2b872b91c6267/code/modules/food/glass/bottle_potion.dm#L124 Every bottle is said to be green but the in-game sprite does not reflect this. Suggest altering this line across the board to read, "a small glass bottle" instead of "a small green bottle"

SpadesNeil commented 1 week ago

Also kind of unrelated but also kind of related.

<b>Apprentice, I have written out these instructions so that you may operate the alembic in your own time without me needing to watch over your every step.<br><br>The alembic is simple to operate, simply activate the spontaneous heating stone beneath it to begin boiling the contents. However, the contents that you choose are critical in creating a potion of any merit, and mixing the wrong materials may create something completely useless, wasting our resources!<br><br>You must mix two materials, and only ever two. One primary ingredient, this can be one of many materials with valuable alchemical properties. The other is a potion base, this will be essential to properly break down and transmute the ingredient into a potent potion. Once you have added the two, boil as above, and collect the distilate in a bottle. As for choosing your base, here is a short guide, but be aware that the properties of an ingredient are not always immediately apparent and some experimentation may be required:<br><br>Alkahest is a potent solvent and particularly useful for dissolving metals.<br><br>Aqua Regia is a heavily corrosive mixture of acids that readily dissolve most organic materials.<br><br>Ichor is a rich ferrous fluid that binds well to minerals, it can often break down gemstones.</b>

This block of text appears in the instruction papers in the medieval level. However, someone used the wrong formatting and so the line breaks and bolding is all broken. As a result most people see this unpleasant fat clump of text and don't bother reading it so they never figure out how potions work.

Or you're like me and it's irritating enough to look at that you are too distracted to read it.

Replace <> with [] and it will work fine. Maybe don't make the whole thing bold so remove <b> and </b> while you're at it.

Also spelling errors. distilate should be distillate