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[GENERAL] Remove "Western" Bluespace gateway, it's way too bad to be fixed #577

Open SpadesNeil opened 1 month ago

SpadesNeil commented 1 month ago

So, normally, I'm against removing something completely, but you need to understand. The history of that map with the western area and a ton of land mines and syndicate is hopelessly unbalanced and makes no sense to exist in the context of this server.

This was a boss fight map I revived from TG station back in like 2014, used it exactly once, and then never put it in the rotation again. It was never meant to be in the regular rotation. Multiple features of the map are missing and broken and will never be put back because the code for these things was removed literally a decade ago.

This map is hopelessly imbalanced and is meant to kill you unless the entire server has prepared to tackle it, because again, it was a one-off event map with a boss fight at the end. Ergo, just remove it.

Maybe remove some other crap maps from rotation while you're at it, spruce them up, put them back. But this map should stay out of the rotation. It really sucks to go into a bluespace gateway map that has no interesting gimmicks, isn't balanced, and also you're trapped there. Most of if not all of the maps currently in rotation that strand you were balanced around players going in pre-armed with copious amounts of stuff. Fundamentally, nearly all of these maps are hopelessly busted. At least all the ones I helped build back in the day. They were for when Exploration department still existed. But, I'll worry about the other maps later.

For now just get rid of that western.dmm or whatever it's called it's so bad.


Replace it with a fully fledged western THEMED map complete with western dressed centaurs n'stuff. Actually just make that a Redgate map. :)

Not just a weird mine in space with cultists and syndicate attacking it for no reason.