TSSlade / tusome_db

Repository for design and development of Tusome's M&E database
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Entity-based data #2

Open kkibukho opened 5 years ago

kkibukho commented 5 years ago

We may need to add zones or cluster, to cater for APBET side of Tusome

TSSlade commented 5 years ago

It would be worth discussing how relevant of a distinction that is. If zones and clusters aren't meaningfully different apart from the public/APBET dichotomy, maybe we keep it as one structure and just change the header of that column to be "zone/cluster".

If they're different at some more fundamental level, then maybe it warrants its own list. What's your sense?

kkibukho commented 5 years ago

I think changing the header to "zone/cluster" should do the trick....

TSSlade commented 5 years ago

Okay. Go ahead and make the edit and submit a pull request. I'll approve it.