TT-ReBORN / Georgia-ReBORN

A Clean · Full Dynamic Color Reborn · Foobar2000 player
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Library album art does not display #124

Closed ursasenior closed 1 year ago

ursasenior commented 1 year ago

I believe this was functional in the previous versions (2.xx) under the same circumstances.

Most album art seems to work; I have a variety of mostly jpg & png between 100kb to 20 MB. I have album art Folder.png in the same network folder that contains an album, but the image does not display in either of the album art panel, nor on the album thumbnail preview in Details view


Could this be due to the the specifics of this image file? I could look for more examples in my music library where this occurs

TT-ReBORN commented 1 year ago

Your Folder.png has an AdobeRGB ICC embedded which does not make sense because it's a grayscale image. Here is the fixed Folder.png.

Edit: It seems your Folder.png was a jpeg image but someone has renamed it to a png file, that's why it did not display correctly. When something like this happens, always check if the image was not modified like this example.


TT-ReBORN commented 1 year ago

Updated my previous post with the correct answer.