TT-ReBORN / Georgia-ReBORN

A Clean · Full Dynamic Color Reborn · Foobar2000 player
MIT License
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Any way to change the default theme in "Reborn" preset to a more friendly dark mode if no cover image is found? #130

Closed Woof420 closed 11 months ago

Woof420 commented 12 months ago


Currently if you choose the theme "Reborn" it will adapt based on the artwork colors and I really like that behavior. It's one of the main reasons I use this theme after all. However, sometimes tracks don't have artwork embedded or it doesn't get properly embedded when in the folder. This causes the theme to default to a white/greyish theme which blinds me at night whenever this happens.

Example of the current default (no artwork) theme when selecting Reborn: image


Could it be possible to change the default theme when no artwork found to a different more dark-mode friendly theme (such as the "dark blue" preset)?

Example of the ideal behavior when no artwork is found but also having Reborn selected as theme: image

Unrelated to that, I've been having issues to update the artwork tags in tracks but I think that's a foobar2k bug and not Georgia related (foobar freezes completely and I gotta force close it on task manager). The issue above is becoming more annoying as I usually fixed it by quickly updating the properties of the track tags within foobar and now that seems to be broken (I need to look up a different app to update tags in my files or solve whatever is freezing foobar2k when changing artwork)

Thanks for reading the above.

TT-ReBORN commented 12 months ago

Hi @Woof420,

if there is no album art cover to be shown, it can not extract any colors from the image. That is why it's being displayed in white color. There is a new feature in the upcoming RC-2 update where you can manually override the current theme and set custom theme, styles or preset for every album via GR-tags. More information about this feature can be found here.

About your tagging issue, there is no problem with Georgia-ReBORN. The freeze could happen if your firewall is blocking foobar or any other software. Another possibility could be if you click around and your HDD is not spinning and in idle mode ( i.e sleeping ), it takes time once your HDD is ready again, it could become unresponsive. I would also try to install a new portable foobar2000 v2.0 stable ( not preview ) without any components or themes, just standard original foobar and test the tagging to see if the problem still occurs.