TT-ReBORN / Georgia-ReBORN

A Clean · Full Dynamic Color Reborn · Foobar2000 player
MIT License
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Playlist Padding #135

Closed chr1sx closed 11 months ago

chr1sx commented 11 months ago

Hello. Is it possible to remove padding in the playlist? Seems like some space is wasted, especially in titles.



TT-ReBORN commented 11 months ago

Hi @chr1sx,

all margins and paddings in this layout have been carefully optimized. There is no way to remove these because the top and bottom margin are actually rectangles with filled background color to hide unwanted playlist rows that shouldn't be visible when scrolling. If there wouldn't be these rectangles, ugly redraw leftovers would be visible. Artist/titles in the playlist rows get truncated when the width has not enough space. This space is actually reserved for rating. If your tracks had rating, yellow stars would be displayed.


chr1sx commented 11 months ago

Ah, I see. Thanks for the replay and explanation! Is it possible to disable rating and whatever else, to have more space for the titles?

TT-ReBORN commented 11 months ago

Yes, go to top menu Options > Playlist > Track row > Show play count and Show rating. Or for quick access, right click somewhere in the playlist for context menu > Playlist options menu > Track row > Show play count and Show rating. Deactivate both and I think you will have more space available.

chr1sx commented 11 months ago

Great! This is the best thing ever happened to Foobar, thank you!

TT-ReBORN commented 11 months ago

Glad you like it, be sure to update to RC-2 once released. Will be available soon.

chr1sx commented 11 months ago

To not make another thread, I stumbled on this feature. Whenever I press ctlr+a/z/c etc hotkeys in playlist, my keystrokes would appear in the center, until I restart. Any advice how to make it go away or disable it?


TT-ReBORN commented 11 months ago

This issue has been fixed in the master some time ago, download it and replace your files.

chr1sx commented 11 months ago

Hey again! Sorry to bother you, but do you know why Ctrl+z does not work anymore after installing Georgia-Reborn? I find pretty useful in playlists..

TT-ReBORN commented 11 months ago

Ctrl + z is the default "Undo" action? Is it the same like top menu > Edit > Undo? I don't know exactly what Ctrl + z does because I don't use it. Can you show me an example what it does?

chr1sx commented 11 months ago

Yeah, that's undo, like when you delete something from playlist, it reverts that action. It still works with Edit > Undo, but not the hotkey.

TT-ReBORN commented 11 months ago

This has never worked in the theme but I have implemented it. You can download the master and replace your files. Btw, you can use the playlist history ( undo < > redo ) buttons at the playlist top header when you move your mouse over it. This has the same effect and also remembers playlists when you change to others with maximum 10 history steps.

chr1sx commented 11 months ago

Oh, cool, thank you very much!