TT-ReBORN / Georgia-ReBORN

A Clean · Full Dynamic Color Reborn · Foobar2000 player
MIT License
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bug when clicking some where in the menu bar and/or menu elements #179

Closed urielejh closed 2 months ago

urielejh commented 3 months ago


when i click menu items (eg. options, playlist, and so on) the track forwards or backwards...

TT-ReBORN commented 3 months ago

Hi @urielejh,

did you try the DEV version? Here is the link:

If this is not working for you, then you need to tell me step by step how to reproduce and what desktop resolution you are using, because other users would report about this issue much sooner!


urielejh commented 3 months ago

it still happens. 4k monitor and 4k player. i tried with autodetect and the other res. and the issue's still there. however, when selecting 4k again it seems to happen only when a menu voice is selected and one clicks over the menu bar

TT-ReBORN commented 3 months ago

I have tried the DEV version on 4K monitor with 4K res and also tried other lower resolutions and I can not reproduce your issues, all seems working fine...

Seeking track playback should only happen when your mouse is in the progress bar area and when you do a left drag mouse click.

Are you using the original files without any additional user-components and/or shortcuts? As previously mentioned above, to be able to fix it, I need step by step instructions how to reproduce your issue. Tell me exactly what you are doing, you are using 3840 x 2160 desktop resolution (150% recommended desktop scaling?) on a 4K monitor and then where are you clicking??? Are you using default theme settings or did you change some? What layout are you using ( Options > Layout ) ? The more information I have the better...

urielejh commented 2 months ago
TT-ReBORN commented 2 months ago

Of course this would not work, your layout is broken because you added a new panel vertically. This is not supported and because of it, the seekbar drag area is borked. Remove the waveform bar mini mod panel or make a new fresh foobar installation with the theme.

There already is a waveform bar implemented, if you right click on the seekbar, select waveform bar.

Hope this helps, you can close this issue now.


urielejh commented 2 months ago

oh, i see. thank you!