TT-ReBORN / Georgia-ReBORN

A Clean · Full Dynamic Color Reborn · Foobar2000 player
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Playlist view "Rows" change order of metadata shown #93

Closed vfxturjo closed 1 year ago

vfxturjo commented 1 year ago

Hi. I hope u r fine 😃

main issue

Currently the rows show like this: [Artist Name] - [Album Title] - [Track Title]

I want to be able to change it to my liking. for example: [Track Title] - [Artist Name]

for that, I think a syntax based option may come in handy. users can just copy paste variables and organize in their way. for example: [%title%] - [%artist%] etc.

Another thing:

May be I am making a dumb question... I tried to change things here but I dont see what is changing. could u please tell me what it is for? image

TT-ReBORN commented 1 year ago

Hi @vfxturjo,

the screenshot you've posted are the playlist settings for the original foobar but not for my theme! That means you can't do anything there, because my theme has his own playlist. The script can be found in your foobar2000\profile\georgia-reborn\js\Playlist\main.js

To be able to change the playlist row, you need to modify the code in the main.js in the // * TITLE init block here:

const title_query = g_properties.show_header ? (pref.showPlaylistTrackNumbers || pref.showPlaylistIndexNumbers ? track_num_query : '') +
(pref.showArtistPlaylistRows && pref.showAlbumPlaylistRows ? `${margin}%artist% - %album% -  %title%[ '('%original artist%' cover)']` :
    pref.showArtistPlaylistRows ? `${margin}%artist% -  %title%[ '('%original artist%' cover)']` :
    pref.showAlbumPlaylistRows  ? `${margin}%album% -  %title%[ '('%original artist%' cover)']` :
`${margin}%title%[ '('%original artist%' cover)']`) : `${margin}   %artist% - %album% - ${showTrackNum} %title%[ '('%original artist%' cover)']`;


vfxturjo commented 1 year ago

hi. sorry i didnt understand that my screenshot was for original foobar... I associated it cz I saw the theme was called "Columns-UI"

anyway, I tried to modify the code you mentioned. But for some reason it is not reflected in the theme :( this is the current code: image

also I was thinking... if you can make it available with GUI or cliclable/draggable options, that would be really helpful. thanks in advance!

TT-ReBORN commented 1 year ago

That's because you have forgot to add one - %artist% tag in your default playlist row state pattern ( the one with your line comment #5123-5129 ).

If you would use top menu Options > Playlist > Show artist name in all rows top menu Options > Playlist > Show album title in all rows and top menu Options > Playlist > Album header > Album header you would see your new changes.

I don't know why you would change any of these anyways because you already have the playlist header that shows the artist anyways.

Also the options Show artist name in all rows and Show album title in all rows was intended to use with compilations ( various artist ) or when using radio ( streaming ). And top menu Options > Playlist > Show artist name on difference is albums with %album artist% and %track artist%, you could also use it with compilations ( various artist ).


TT-ReBORN commented 1 year ago

Hey @vfxturjo,

I have made things easier and now you don't need to tinker in the config file anymore:

This is already available in the latest working in progress version, you can get it from here: