This is the Problem:
The jackal shot a Traitor with the sidekick deagle, but the traitor didn’t noticed that, and shot the jackal near death, he killed as Sidekick one other person and damaged another, at the end of the round his Karma dropped from 1000 to under 500.
This Bug occurred only one time.
This is the collection we use: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=572181262 + Damage Log
Hello, This is the Problem: The jackal shot a Traitor with the sidekick deagle, but the traitor didn’t noticed that, and shot the jackal near death, he killed as Sidekick one other person and damaged another, at the end of the round his Karma dropped from 1000 to under 500. This Bug occurred only one time. This is the collection we use: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=572181262 + Damage Log