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Trouble in Terrorist Town 2 for Garry's Mod (gmod)
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Streamer Mode [HUD] #534

Open TimGoll opened 4 years ago

TimGoll commented 4 years ago

Right now th HUD shows all the important information (as it should).

However we should introduce a streamer mode that hides the roleinformation and maybe even other roleinfo things. Details have to be discussed.

Spanospy commented 6 months ago

Just browsing old issues and thought I'd weigh in on this!

I think it needs to be separate from what the streamer actually sees, so that important information isn't also hidden to them.

Some theoretical ways I've thought of that could perhaps accomplish this:

  1. Render the game in an additional window, with HUD/UI elements changed accordingly. This is comparable to Half-Life: Alyx's "Spectator" mode they have for video/streaming purposes,
  2. Have a Streamer Mode option for spectators which changes their HUD/UI and spectating behaviour so that it can be used for a stream's video output,
  3. SourceTV integration.

Out of all of these, Streamer Mode for spectators is probably the only feasible one:

  1. If the separate window was possible, it would be the most convenient for streamers and I'd actually suggest doing it this way. But, it's sadly not something gmod allows. Even if it was possible, one would have to devise a way of splitting render elements between them. I could also suggest investigating if the gmod window can be stretched across two windows and have the game render be "split in half", but that seems like a nightmare to develop for.
  2. Using a spectator as a stream's "camera" could require a bit of non-trivial setup on the streamer's end, but seems to be the only way of getting a separate view and it isn't an insane thing to develop for.
  3. Ignoring its auto-director (which doesn't seem as useful as you'd think), SourceTV is essentially a predecessor of Twitch - turning a spectator into a shared client of sorts. No point for a streamer to go through the hassle of setting it up.

My suggestion is to make some controls that spectators can use to hide role information of un-confirmed players, and how the game autopilots the spectator. (At a minimum, this can just be what player it should prioritise to spectate in first person.)