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New Role: The Plague Host & Pestilence (Own Team/Neutral Role) #1

Closed LunexSan closed 3 years ago

LunexSan commented 4 years ago

The Plague Host

Description He's infected with the plague and the plague is spreading rapidly throughout the terrorist organization, can it be stopped before a certain Plague Overlord notices the disaster that is on the horizon?

Alignment and win condition The Plague Host is not aligned with anyone and on his own team. He does not have a winning condition, however he has a goal which is infecting every living player with the plague.

Gameplay and Abilities

Shop No, he will not have a shop by default.

Pestilence, Horseman of the Apocalypse

Or just Pestilence, for short.

Description Pestilence is an immortal being send to the world to spread disease and gather the souls of anyone infected by it.

Alignment and win condition Pestilence is on his own team and will win once he is the last player alive.

Gameplay and Abilities

Shop No, he will not have a shop by default.

Plays best With

Pythagorion commented 4 years ago

has the Pestilence a special weapon?

LunexSan commented 4 years ago

All of the pestilences abilities and perks have yet to be decided. Though I am highly in favour of a scythe like item that basically oneshots anyone in melee range. I would also suggest to give him a full heal, bonus health and armor.

Pythagorion commented 4 years ago

When it comes to the Pestilence, he should be indeed more powerful than a normal Player. Even in his weakest shape, he should be stronger than normal players. The PL must do much to get there. He has to be a Hazard for everyone as Pestilence.

LunexSan commented 4 years ago

Yes, I agree. It is supposed to be a "payoff mechanic". You work towards your transformation and you are pretty weak before you get there. So it should be a satisfying feeling when you achieve your transformation. Basically, if players know that the Plague Lord is in the round, they should focus on taking him out early, just like you would do with the marker.

Pythagorion commented 4 years ago

Indeed. It reminds me of this game "Evolve". The players has one goal: To Stop the monster before it reaches Evolving Level 3 cause they know, it will be really strong. It must be like: When the Pestilence rises up, the game could end every moment. All the other player should know then: "Now we´ve got a huge problem." Talking about the transformation: Shall there be a notification like message or something, that announce the transformation of the Pestilence?

TimGoll commented 4 years ago

For the final fight only whitelisted weapons should be allowed. Otherwise one could simply kill him with a Thomas

Pythagorion commented 4 years ago

Disabling Shops or what do you mean?

LunexSan commented 4 years ago

@TimGoll Maybe Pestilence becomes immune to anything but weapon damage? also @Pythagorion Yes, I was thinking about using the same banner that is used when you get your role at the start of the round. Maybe this time a black banner (as reference to the black death wink wink) which reads "Pestilence has Arrived", something like that. Something everyone CANNOT miss, something exciting and thrilling. We could even implement a new character model indicating that it's him.

TimGoll commented 4 years ago

I'd say checking the weapon kind and either preventing the weapon usage or disable the damage

Pythagorion commented 4 years ago

We could do that, but Character Modelling isn´t my strength :D.

Pythagorion commented 4 years ago

And I have to say that I find the Name "Plague Lord" a little bit weird. For me it´s sounds like a metal band name

LunexSan commented 4 years ago

If you have a better suggestion that is not plaguebearer, get over here and tell me. But in my opinion Plague Lord is pretty accurate even if it's a little extreme since he is trying to trancend to be pestilence he needs to be somewhat into his whole plague thing. It makes sense to name him like that, kinda.

Pythagorion commented 4 years ago

I haven´t a better one yet, but as the Pestilence is the final Destination the PL shouldn´t have a strong and powerful name like that. I mean Pestilence sounds really cool, but the question is, does it sound more powerful than Plague Lord? Names can be changed later on. I just think that the name should make the levels clear. The player must know by hearing or reading the name: PL is (just) phase one and Pestilence is the final one.

LunexSan commented 4 years ago

Okay, that seems reasonable. I can see where you are coming from and what the problem is. And I already have an idea for a name. What do you think about The Plague Host (Or just Plague Host)

Pythagorion commented 4 years ago

Yes, Something like that. Perhaps Plague Spreader or Plague Scout. Just to make clear that he is just the beginning

Pythagorion commented 4 years ago

Another idea would be lackey or servant. This would make the Pestilence more like a Master

LunexSan commented 4 years ago

Plagues Servant? Heck we could even make him a ritualist at this point. lol. Trying to summon his overlord.

Pythagorion commented 4 years ago

We could.

Pythagorion commented 4 years ago

But I think when we go with Something like ritualist, servant or lackey, it would be the best cuz it fits the most

Histalek commented 4 years ago

i feel like this has at least some kind of similarity with this Role idea. maybe there is some way to combine them (or not)

LunexSan commented 4 years ago

Hmm, well, I've read through the other role and agree that it might appear similar if you read about it hastily. But it really isn't. The only thing both roles have in common is, that at some point both go through a transformation, or, to put it in other terms, are upgraded to a stronger role.

But the differences are pretty clear in flavour and gameplay. The possesed doesn't actually want to transform, as he dies of guilt and so on. The PLague Lord actively does something to transform, instead of having to wait it out. I'm not trying to talk down anothers ideas, but I think this role might overall be more interesting to play, as it features a little more than just the transformation. Though that's really jsut my opinion, and as the "maker" of this roles' idea I'm decently biased anyway. But I hope I could convey how both roles are not really easy to compare, as they play very differently.

Pythagorion commented 4 years ago

And the fact is: The PL and Pestilence are very advanced in concept phase. If both Roles PL and Possessed are too similar, I´d go with Pestilence. Playing the Waiting game in TTT was never the best strategy.

LunexSan commented 4 years ago

I think more action based, or at least something-to-do-in-the-meantime based gameplay is better for TTT! I don't want to hear people getting a role saying "aww not this role again". That's what you hear when people become innocent. :p

Pythagorion commented 4 years ago

indeed. This would be very sad for the coder who put effort into the role and then just hear how boring his role is.

Pythagorion commented 4 years ago

also. What happens when the PL is dead and all players get infected? Is Pestlience arriving or not? I´d say no, because it´s too strong, but we should discuss bout it

Pythagorion commented 4 years ago

Furthermore: What happens to the phioles and fake bodies? Will they disappear when PL dies?

LunexSan commented 4 years ago

If the Plague Lord dies then he will remain dead. The point is that you can try to take him out early.

Pythagorion commented 4 years ago

And his equipment shall disappear so that the non-infected bodies remain?

LunexSan commented 4 years ago

About the phioles, we could make them disappear, yes, but why bother lol. I think I'd let that decision be of the one who's going to code it, because I still can't, as it's a lot of additional work.

Pythagorion commented 4 years ago

I know. And it will be my work when the lion is finished. ;D

LunexSan commented 4 years ago

I don't think his equipment should be pickupable. I wonder what we do if somehow a new PL arises

LunexSan commented 4 years ago

I've finished remaking the issue. Should I delete this one and open a new onewith it since it is vastly different and the comments dont really make sense/are already implemented in the new version??

TimGoll commented 4 years ago

no, I think you should keep this one

LunexSan commented 4 years ago

Is there anything that I forgot in this "final" version of the submission? If so, please ask, or point it out. :)

LunexSan commented 4 years ago

Had a suggestion by someone else to also give the plague host an infection gun. Probably a one shot no damage item to infect one player only with the plague. This was suggested as it can be very difficult for the plague host to get going on very large scale maps and with big playercount and also people with a more reserved and passive playstyle (fuck campers :p). If all these things come together I can see how the current ways of infection might not be enough.

Alf21 commented 3 years ago

Moved to