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New Role: Possessed #8

Closed Skatcat closed 3 years ago

Skatcat commented 5 years ago


Basic mechanics

The Possessed is an evil role. On the surface, he seems like a regular, harmless guy. But once his inner demon awakens… no one can stop him.

Role abilities

The Possessed starts off as a regular player without any special powers. However, after a certain amount of time (default: 3 minutes?) the demon he’s possessed by takes over and turns him into a powerful fiend with increased HP, damage, speed and damage resistances across the board.

However, the Possessed isn’t entirely happy with this destiny and seeks to redeem himself. If he kills anyone before turning into a demon, he dies of guilt immediately.

Also, the process of turning into a demon isn’t without its hardships. In set intervals, the Possessed will emit sounds (Demonic laughter? Screams?) that hint at his transformation. This means that he can’t always stay close to people without being found out. The sounds aren’t loud enough to prevent him from staying near people at all times but should at least force him to be in a lonely corner for a couple of seconds.

Win conditions

For the Possessed to win, he needs to turn evil and kill everyone in his path.

This is a twist compared to other evil roles: When other evil roles and traitors are eliminated, the round ends, similar to the Jester. This means that the unturned Possessed is ‘saved’. He doesn’t get any points, but at the end of the day, the round ends before he could do any harm.

Why it might be interesting

Similar to the Arsonist role suggestion, this evil role is a bit unorthodox. There’s a big payoff in his transformation, but he must play very carefully, avoiding the proximity of other players to get there.

The role is extremely volatile: Until your transformation, you need to be careful, as not to arouse any suspicion, but you also can’t defend yourself without dying yourself.

Also his win conditions are unique for an evil role, since he can only win if the round doesn't go on too long. So the Possessed can decide: Do you want the round to go by without much blood shed? Or do you want to protect other evil roles to extend the round, just so you can transform?

Interactions with other roles

To most roles, he just acts like a regular evil role you want to get rid of.

When the Unknown gets killed by the turned Possessed, he immediately becomes one as well. Watch out for these demons duking it out!

[Only with Priest] If the Priest suggestion is taken into consideration, the Holy Deagle could cure the unturned Possessed and 1-shot kill the turned Possessed.

Alf21 commented 5 years ago

Should have the possessed a custom player model? Or an indicator (countdown?) for the next sound emit? Which buffs do you suggest? (maybe with some numbers)

Skatcat commented 5 years ago

A custom player model would be pretty but I can't think of a fitting HL2 one to use. If you can't think of a good one, maybe just color his default model red / black or something, if that works. As long as he is well visible after turning, it doesn't matter too much, I suppose.

If he turns after 3 minutes, one sound cue per minute sounds good. Turning time and cue time should probably be configurable I think (I'm a big sucker for custom balance, if you haven't noticed yet :D). It should have an indicator similar to the one the Radar has, you can't expect people to count the seconds until the sound cue, that's a bit too stressful.

Buffs are subjective, but I think making the Possessed a rare, dangerous role with big payoff for surviving / not letting the round end to soon, warrants some good ones.

Off the top of my hat, I'd give him:

If that's too much, one can just open the files and throw out whichever buffs they don't like.

Alf21 commented 3 years ago

Moved to