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Filter Server Response Data #35

Closed NilsG-S closed 7 years ago

NilsG-S commented 7 years ago

To do:

This is what I get from getUser:

email: ""
isApproved: false
name: "Test"
permissions: Object
points: Object
role: "student"
uid: "595f1fa7ffc98f10b8a8f17d"

This is what I get from modifyUser:

email: ""
isApproved: false
name: "test"
password: [stuff that is hashed and salted]
permissions: Object
points: Object
role: "student"
type: "student"
__v: 0
_id: "595f1fa7ffc98f10b8a8f17d"

Note: I'm not entirely certain why the response I get from getUser contains permissions. But I might just be tired. Explanation: console.log seems to be outputting the value of user after it is adjusted by the reducer, even though I logged it before passing to dispatch