TTimo / GtkRadiant

The open source, cross platform level editor for idtech games
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1.6.6 release time? #666

Open jdolan-chwy opened 3 years ago

jdolan-chwy commented 3 years ago

It's been a few years since the last major release. While the 1.6.6 milestone is not yet closed, there's been a lot of work done. Is it time to bake some builds and ship something?

0bsidian commented 3 years ago

Issue #666, version 1.6.6(.6). The points of the pentagram are aligning.

jdolan-chwy commented 3 years ago

Whoa! I didn't even notice I got issue #666. I win! 😈

mfn commented 3 years ago

Screenshotted and framed, thanks for making my day 💝

TTimo commented 3 years ago

My availability is extremely limited, but I don't want to be a blocker in the way to a new release.

I'm not much worried about the milestones, those date back to a time when I wanted to drive further feature work on the project, which isn't much the case nowadays.

Producing Windows binaries is still quite the hassle, I think our documentation may still be more or less adequate, but someone needs to go through the steps. Is that something you'd be able to do @jdolan-chwy ?

jdolan commented 3 years ago

Hah! No.. unfortunately. I’m your Mac guy, maybe your Linux guy. But I’m utterly useless on Windows. If there’s no one else on the team using Windows, I can see about bribing Paril to try.

jdolan commented 3 years ago

Side note, for Linux, Quetoo recently moved to Flatpak and it is pretty excellent. Is that something that GtkRadiant might benefit from as well?

TTimo commented 3 years ago

That's ok, I'll look at reviving a build solution for Windows. Regarding Linux, I agree Flatpak would be a good direction. We have a task about it, and someone contributed patches in that direction already. I also have more Flatpak experience through other projects now. But again, unclear when I'd have availability to push in that direction.

TTimo commented 3 years ago

I spent a little time on this today. Check

I think it's pretty close to being usable for us to produce Windows zips whenever we want.

jdolan-chwy commented 3 years ago

That's sweet! You didn't have to setup any Windows devenv at all? And this is free?

I've recently signed up for a proper Apple Developer account, and I'll look into signing our macOS builds so that they run on modern macOS without jumping through security hooks. This is on my plate for Quetoo as well..

Honestly, I might just bite the bullet and bring Radiant into Xcode properly. It'll be an entirely new project file / build to maintain, but ad hoc command line builds with code signing are such a nightmare these days, that it might be the easiest path..

TTimo commented 3 years ago

One of the perks of being owned by Microsoft I guess. It's free (or maybe rolls into my github pro subscription). The Windows builder comes with pretty much everything ready to use:

TTimo commented 3 years ago

You can download the build output now too -