TTimo / GtkRadiant

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Windows compiling guide needs to be updated #673

Open Mateos81 opened 2 years ago

Mateos81 commented 2 years ago


I'm going though the "Compiling GtkRadiant on Windows" page and it needs some updates (and also I get a Scons error ^^') SVN -> Take the non-Edge release Scons -> The latest Scons release supporting Python 2.7 is 2.5.1 Source: Download:

When I run C:\Python27\Scripts\scons.bat target=setup I get:

scons: Reading SConscript files ... ImportError: No module named request: File "E:\src\git\GtkRadiant\TTimo\GtkRadiant\SConstruct", line 10: import utils, config File "E:\src\git\GtkRadiant\TTimo\GtkRadiant\", line 10: import urllib.request

I haven't ran any git submodule command fyi

What am I missing/doing wrong?

jdolan commented 2 years ago

jdolan commented 2 years ago

If that works for you, I'll go ahead and merge. I thought this issue was maybe macOS specific... interesting that you're seeing it on Wintoons.

Mateos81 commented 2 years ago

Nope, still not:

scons: Reading SConscript files ... ImportError: No module named urllib3.request: File "E:\src\git\GtkRadiant\TTimo\GtkRadiant\SConstruct", line 10: import utils, config File "E:\src\git\GtkRadiant\TTimo\GtkRadiant\", line 10: import urllib3.request

Mateos81 commented 2 years ago

That line changed in 9d02fd93d24af01c0feb6b61ecc33c66c542f026 seems to be a Python 3 thingy according to

Edit: OK so I guess we're supposed to use Python 3 instead of 2.7 now 503930527f9fbfb3706b1bc9cec00c869c1bb7c5

illwieckz commented 2 years ago

Ah yes, better try python3!

Mateos81 commented 2 years ago

Alright, so here are all the steps that changed:

Updating Compiling GtkRadiant on Windows

SVN -> Take the non-Edge release

Install Python 3 (x64 is fine): Install Scons through Python pip (normal cmd, pip install scons) Run the installed scons.exe (AppData) in the radiant-work\GtkRadiant folder with target=setup

Install Windows SDK 8.1:

If you install VS 2019, make sure to install XP v141 component through Individual components VS Install tab

(Perhaps also retake a screen capture of VS :P)