TU-Berlin-DIMA / continuous-pipeline-deployment

Repository for continuous deployment of ML pipelines (latex files + code)
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improve paper based on Volker's comments #14

Closed dbehrouz closed 7 years ago

dbehrouz commented 7 years ago

Dear Behrouz,

thanks for the draft. This is a good start, but I believe there will still be a good amount of work required to shape the presentation. In particular, some times you mix different aspects of motivation, background and contributions/system in paragraphs in a way that makes text repetitive or makes it hard to understand the logical flow or the line of argument that you are trying to make. I believe that it will be very important to fix these aspects in order to improve the exposition/presentation, which may require a partial restructuring of the paper and checking the paragraphs for what argument they are making, and what the logical structure and line of thought in each paragraph is. This is true for the entire paper, but in particular important for abstract, introduction, and conclusion.

Enclosed find my comments to the paper highlighted in the PDF.

Some general comments:

In general, I would ask you to look into the following language/grammar issues in your paper (refer to „Bugs in Writing“ if you need more information on that besides my markup in the paper):

You will find examples of these issues highlighted in the PDF with solutions proposals, but there are more of those issues present in the paper than I have highlighted. Therefore please read the entire text having these issues in mind, and rework as needed.

Please send me another version three days before the submission deadline.

