TUDelft-CNS-ATM / bluesky

The open source air traffic simulator
GNU General Public License v3.0
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BlueSky crash on start - resolved #507

Open tinpusher opened 1 week ago

tinpusher commented 1 week ago

Had an issue when starting BlueSky, would not boot through. error log ... 'np.string_' was removed in the NumPy 2.0 release. Use 'npbytes' instead.

I removed Numpy2.0, and used : pip install numpy==1.26.4 , dated 06/02/2024. This seems to have fixed the booting issue.

thomasrdean commented 1 week ago

I tried that, but I get Bluesky needs numpy._core.numeric And pip install numpy._core.numeric says it could not find a version that satisfies the requirements numpy._core.numeric

jooste commented 1 week ago

Hi @thomasrdean and @tinpusher! This seems to be an issue introduced with the new major release of NumPy. We'll have a look at what needs to be changed in BlueSky to be compatible with these changes.

tinpusher commented 1 week ago

It seems that Qt gui threw a fatal error. radarwidget.py line 138, in initializeGL super().initializeGL glhelpers.py line 752, in initializeGL obj.creater() navdata.py,line 123, in create npwids=np.array(wptids, dtype=np.string_. Seems that to support both 1.x and 2.x versions of NumPy, modules will need to be compiled with numPy 2.0. .... I took the easy way out.... downgraded to the last 1.x NumPy version I found ...1.26.4

thomasrdean commented 1 week ago

When I downgraded, I got the error message about core.numeric.