TUFLOW related QGIS Plugins
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QGIS plugin bug - Python error #6

Closed jb0092 closed 9 years ago

jb0092 commented 9 years ago


When I try to use the plugin to view my 1d results I get the following error after I try to load my results into the 1d viewer:


I have recreated the scenario on a few computers. Thanks :)

TUFLOW-Support commented 9 years ago


Thanks for pointing that out. This issue is actually occurring in the latest 2013-12-AD version of TUFLOW. In the .info file the link to the "_1d_Node.csv" and "_1d_Chan.csv" is incorrect. The file is failing to open file: Results\Design\csv\INN3_Q001_01hr_EC_Mit0_014_1d_Chan.csv

However, in the folder (Results\Design\csv) you can see the file has been incorrectly written by TUFLOW as (note duplicate 1d_1d): INN3_Q001_01hr_EC_Mit0_014_1d_1d_Chan.csv

This will need to be updated in the TUFLOW engine. In the interim, there are a couple of options:

When a update or new version of TUFLOW is released, this will be fixed.

Cheers Phil

TUFLOW-Support commented 9 years ago

When using the 2015-05-AA or later version. The incorrectly named file is checked for and updated. This works around the issue above.

Cheers Phil