ESANet: Efficient RGB-D Semantic Segmentation for Indoor Scene Analysis
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Void pixels in ground truth labels #31

Open ShanyCohen opened 3 years ago

ShanyCohen commented 3 years ago


I'm trying to figure out how the void pixels affect the mIou and the loss computation. The labels are being decremented by 1 in the code so that class numbers in the prediction and the ground truth labels will match. So to my understanding, there are pixels with the value -1 in the label image but the prediction doesn't include void pixels. Are those pixels being ignored or being considered as true/false predictions?

Thanks, Shany

mona0809 commented 3 years ago

Void is ignored during both training and mIoU. For cross entropy loss the index -1 is ignored (see: For mIoU, both prediction and ground truth are filtered, such that only those pixels are taken into account, that are not void in ground truth. (see: