TUM-Dev / Campus-Android

Development of the TUM Campus App for Android devices - for and from students at Technical University of Munich.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Intrusive / wrong permission request #723

Closed xsrf closed 6 years ago

xsrf commented 6 years ago

Steps to Reproduce

On every start the app bothers me with "Diese App braucht die Erlaubnis auf deinen Kalender zuzugreifen, um sie diesen mit deinem TUM-Kalender abzugleichen." and after that it prompts to allow access to location. I obviously deny, because I don't know why it would need it.


kordianbruck commented 6 years ago

@xsrf did you setup the sync with your calendar in our activity? In that case it will ask you for permissions in order to update it on app start.

xsrf commented 6 years ago

No, I didn't ... Also the permission request "Diese App braucht die Erlaubnis auf deinen Kalender zuzugreifen, um sie diesen mit deinem TUM-Kalender abzugleichen." is clearly generated by you, not by the system, so the app is not really asking for permission anyway.

kordianbruck commented 6 years ago

Well somehow that got enabled. No clue how - I will have to check on your phone on friday, but I've never received that request until I opted in to sync the calendar.

Yes, its our notification, that gets shown once you decline.

xsrf commented 6 years ago

Refering to 8db4c54 you must have gotten the request at least on every new install, since it is (was) actually the explanatory text for the location request. You don't read your own annoying popups, do you? 🤣

kordianbruck commented 6 years ago

@xsrf are you talking about location or calendar permission? Those are two pairs of shoes. Yes, we ask for location permission on each startup as we base some shown cards around that. (e.g. Mensa)

The Calendar permission only gets asked after you setup the sync.

kordianbruck commented 6 years ago

I see - I think I get it now :dancer: Nevermind then - just the text was wrong in this case, if I understand correctly.

jacqueline8711 commented 6 years ago

@kordianbruck Yes, they were just switched around. I never noticed because I always use the app in english and those strings were always correct

kordianbruck commented 6 years ago

@jacqueline8711 yea, me too :man_shrugging: