TUMFTM / CameraRadarFusionNet

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How to run the fusion net with distance detection? #38

Open AdrianMTZVazquez opened 1 year ago

AdrianMTZVazquez commented 1 year ago

I'm trying to run the code with the distance detection flag enable, but I keep getting this error: File "test_crfnet.py", line 189, in <module> boxes, scores, labels, dists = prediction_model.predict_on_batch(inputs)[:4] ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 4, got 3)

Does anybody used this option?

AdrianMTZVazquez commented 1 year ago

An update on this: The error mentioned above seems to be occurring because the weights were calculated without the distance option set to True in the config file. However, now I'm trying to train it with the option set to true and a new error came out.


I don't currently know whats wrong, but it seems to be about the configuratio file.