TV-Rename / tvrename

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RequestLimitExceededException #980

Closed SirSparkles closed 1 year ago

SirSparkles commented 1 year ago

| 5.0.6 |ERROR| Could not match the possible movie: Possible New Movie: cccHint:crooked house Year: Provider:Library Default:0 TMDbLib.Objects.Exceptions[.RequestLimitExceededException]: You have exceeded the maximum number of request allowed by TMDb please try again later at TMDbLib.Rest.RestRequest.SendInternal(HttpMethod method, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at TMDbLib.Rest.RestRequest.Get[T](CancellationToken cancellationToken) at TMDbLib.Rest.RestRequestExtensions.GetOfT[T](RestRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at TMDbLib.Client.TMDbClient.SearchMethodInternal[T](String method, String query, Int32 page, String language, Nullable`1 includeAdult, Int32 year, String dateFormat, String region, Int32 primaryReleaseYear, Int32 firstAirDateYear, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at TMDbLib.Client.TMDbClient.SearchMovieAsync(String query, String language, Int32 page, Boolean includeAdult, Int32 year, String region, Int32 primaryReleaseYear, CancellationToken cancellationToken)