TWiStErRob / net.twisterrob.inventory

Magic Home Inventory
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Allow inclusion/exclusion of belongings from search #126

Open TWiStErRob opened 6 years ago

TWiStErRob commented 6 years ago

Use case: donated/given away, thrown away (packaging), broken, expired, sold, used up, etc.

TWiStErRob commented 1 year ago

When search, can you provide option of all property or single/multi select properties ? So that we can search item in a specific property or selected properties. --

TWiStErRob commented 11 months ago

When search items, possible to add an option in All or which property (which we can choose) ? --

TWiStErRob commented 11 months ago

Please consider adding "Donate" category [list], as this will help for tax time, as well as when perusing through similar named items, to quickly identify what is not on-hand any more. [...] I do have different donation "Properties" set up, which the items are moved to, so until a category exists, I can look to where it's located. In the Items list, I was doing the extra step of clicking to open each, to find out if the item was donated, or still with me...somewhere. -- /

(originating review)