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[FEATURE] Introduce Site Settings Editor #1026

Open TYPO3IncTeam opened 2 months ago

TYPO3IncTeam commented 2 months ago

:information_source: View this commit on Github :busts_in_silhouette: Authored by Benjamin Franzke ben@bnf.dev :heavy_check_mark: Merged by Benjamin Franzke ben@bnf.dev

Commit message

[FEATURE] Introduce Site Settings Editor

A new Site Settings editor has been introduced that allows to configure per-site settings in config/sites/*/settings.yaml.

The new backend module Site Management > Settings provides an overview of sites which offer configurable settings and makes them editable based on Site Set provided Settings Definitions.

The editor shows a list of settings categories and respective settings. It will persist all settings into config/sites/*/settings.yaml. The module will only persist settings that deviate from the site-scoped default value. That means it will only change the minimal difference to the settings set defined by the active sets for the respective site.

The backend module is currently available for administrators only, but will likely be extended to be made available for editors in future.

Anonymous (undefined) site settings – as supported since TYPO3 v10 – will not be made editable, but will be preserved as-is when persisting changes through the settings editor.

Resolves: #104794 Releases: main Change-Id: I7eea8445b86b50efa498238daa3436f0940f4b78 Reviewed-on: https://review.typo3.org/c/Packages/TYPO3.CMS/+/84342 Tested-by: Benjamin Kott benjamin.kott@outlook.com Tested-by: core-ci typo3@b13.com Tested-by: Benni Mack benni@typo3.org Reviewed-by: Benni Mack benni@typo3.org Tested-by: Benjamin Franzke ben@bnf.dev Reviewed-by: Benjamin Franzke ben@bnf.dev Reviewed-by: Benjamin Kott benjamin.kott@outlook.com

:heavy_plus_sign: Added files

13.3/Feature-104794-IntroduceSiteSettingsEditor.rst ```rst .. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _feature-104794-1725980585: ================================================= Feature: #104794 - Introduce Site Settings Editor ================================================= See :issue:`104794` Description =========== A new Site Settings editor has been introduced that allows to configure per-site settings in file:`config/sites/*/settings.yaml`. The new backend module :guilabel:`Site Management > Settings` provides an overview of sites which offer configurable settings and makes them editable based on :doc:`Site Set provided Settings Definitions <../13.1/Feature-103437-IntroduceSiteSets>`. The editor shows a list of settings categories and respective settings. It will persist all settings into file:`config/sites/*/settings.yaml`. The module will only persist settings that deviate from the site-scoped default value. That means it will only change the minimal difference to the settings set defined by the active sets for the respective site. The backend module is currently available for administrators only, but will likely be extended to be made available for editors in future. Anonymous (undefined) site settings – as supported since TYPO3 v10 – will not be made editable, but will be preserved as-is when persisting changes through the settings editor. Categorization -------------- Sets can define categories and settings definitions can reference the category by ID in order to assign a setting to a specific category. These definitions are placed in :file:`settings.definitions.yaml` next to the site set file :file:`config.yaml`. .. code-block:: yaml :caption: EXT:my_extension/Configuration/Sets/MySet/settings.definitions.yaml categories: myCategory: label: 'My Category' settings: my.example.setting: label: 'My example setting' category: myCategory type: string default: '' my.seoRelevantSetting: label: 'My SEO relevant setting' # show in EXT:seo provided category "seo" category: seo type: int default: 5 The settings ordering is defined through the loading order of extensions and by the order of categories. Uncategorized settings will be grouped into a virtual "Other" category and shown at the end of the list of available settings. Impact ====== Site-scoped settings will most likely be the place to configure site-wide configuration, which was previously only possible to modify via Constant Editor, modifying TypoScript constants. It is recommended to use site-sets and their UI configuration in favor of Typoscript Constants in the future. .. index:: Backend, Frontend, YAML, ext:backend ```
linawolf commented 2 months ago

For system extensions: https://review.typo3.org/c/Packages/TYPO3.CMS/+/86040

linawolf commented 2 months ago

This still needs to be documented in the Site package tutorial and getting started

linawolf commented 2 months ago

Site package and getting started are still missing