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[!!!][TASK] Make sys_template not workspace aware #200

Closed TYPO3IncTeam closed 1 year ago

TYPO3IncTeam commented 1 year ago

:information_source: View this commit on Github :busts_in_silhouette: Authored by Christian Kuhn lolli@schwarzbu.ch :heavy_check_mark: Merged by Georg Ringer georg.ringer@gmail.com

Commit message

[!!!][TASK] Make sys_template not workspace aware

The patch makes table "sys_template" no longer obey workspaces: The workspace related fields are gone and the overlay calls removed. An upgrade wizard sets all existing workspace overlay rows to deleted.

There are quite a few reasons to do this:

Change-Id: Id5fdd5c8f9c91ae134bea7506f0b31bf47b28fee Resolves: #98480 Releases: main Reviewed-on: https://review.typo3.org/c/Packages/TYPO3.CMS/+/75918 Tested-by: core-ci typo3@b13.com Tested-by: Stefan Bürk stefan@buerk.tech Tested-by: Georg Ringer georg.ringer@gmail.com Reviewed-by: Stefan Bürk stefan@buerk.tech Reviewed-by: Georg Ringer georg.ringer@gmail.com

:heavy_plus_sign: Added files

12.0/Breaking-98480-TCATableSys_templateIsNoLongerWorkspaceAware.rst ```rst .. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _breaking-98480-1664546652: ======================================================================== Breaking: #98480 - TCA table "sys_template" is no longer workspace aware ======================================================================== See :issue:`98480` Description =========== The TCA database table :php:`sys_template` is no longer workspace aware: When changing sys_template records in a workspace in the Backend, this has immediate effect on Live workspace. Impact ====== Records of the TypoScript table "sys_template" are not available for editors, this change should not have impact on editors working on content related workspace records. Affected installations ====================== Instances with enabled workspaces extension may see an impact: Editing TypoScript template records immediately affects live. This is a relatively seldom scenario, an upgrade wizard is in place to set all workspace aware sys_template records to deleted, preventing them to leak to live. Migration ========= Do not change "sys_template" rows in workspaces anymore. Any changes will be published to live on edit. .. index:: Backend, Frontend, TCA, TypoScript, NotScanned, ext:core ```
linawolf commented 1 year ago

This has never been mentioned in the docs and is a rare edge case