Open Raidri opened 3 months ago
Found out that the problem is that my child entites dont find any rootPageIds which lead to that processRecord tries to delete every single item. My storage folder is not into a rootPageId. The buildSiteRootsByObservedPageIds method also doesn't find a rootPageId because the child entity has no indexConfiguration.
public function handleRecordUpdate(int $uid, string $table): void
$rootPageIds = $this->getRecordRootPageIds($table, $uid);
$this->processRecord($table, $uid, $rootPageIds);
I've new informations about that problem. To get rid of that problem I have to set the useConfigurationMonitorTables settings and have to define which tables should monitored and which ones not.
That is a bit inconvenient.
It would be better if only the table which should indexed from solr will monitored. In my case the article table and not the sys_file_reference or filter table which are child tables of article and don't have any index configurations
Describe the bug Since the update from 12.0.3 to 12.0.4 I have a massive perfomance Issue if I save an entity with a lot of child entites. a process which takes 5-10~ seconds needs now more than 40-50~ seconds.
I found out that the problem is the DataUpdateHandler in combination with the PersistenceVentListener
In 12.0.3 you used this method to remove an Item from the garbage collector.
this method checked if the record table is in the indexqueue.
In 12.0.4 you used this method
this leads to this situation that every child entity in my main entity also has a request to the SOLR server If it was deleted. although they aren't indexed.
For example. I have an article model which is indexed to SOLR. This article model has many filters as child entity which are not in SOLR. If I remove 20 filters each of them do a solr request. The DataUpdateHandler calls the collectGarbage method for the filter too.
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