TYPO3 / TYPO3.CMS.BaseDistribution

Main composer distribution when using composer create project
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Composer based install fails for DOCROOT != public #54

Open marble opened 2 years ago

marble commented 2 years ago


I hope I'm reporting this problem at the proper location. This is Ubuntu 20.04.4, ddev version v1.18.2, Composer version 2.2.6 2022-02-04 17:00:38

Task, intention

Do a composer based installation with DDEV as recommended first place at get.typo3.org


I've been desperately trying to find a procedure that allows a custom name for the docroot folder. No success. If I stick with the default name public it works. If I try with public_html it doesn't.

How to reproduce

I'm using these steps, top down, as far as I can get:



# http://dummy.ddev.site:8071
# http://dummy.ddev.site:44371

## Remove the project, in case it exists
true \
   &&  [[ ! -z "${PROJECT}" ]] \
   &&  ddev poweroff \
   &&  cd ${PROJECT}  \
   &&  ddev delete --omit-snapshot --yes \
   &&  cd ..  \
   &&  rm -rf ${PROJECT}

## Create project

true \
   &&  [[ ! -z "${PROJECT}" ]] \
   &&  mkdir -p ${PROJECT} \
   &&  cd ${PROJECT} \
   &&  ddev config \
       --create-docroot \
       --docroot=public \
       --http-port=8071 \
       --https-port=44371 \
       --php-version="7.4" \
       --project-type=typo3 \
       --xdebug-enabled=false \
   &&  echo '{}' >composer.json \
   &&  ddev composer config "extra.typo3/cms.web-dir" ${PUBLIC_FOLDER} \
   &&  ddev composer config "extra.typo3/cms.root-dir" ${PUBLIC_FOLDER} \
   &&  ddev composer create "typo3/cms-base-distribution:^10.4"  \
   &&  ddev typo3cms install:setup


gilbertsoft commented 2 years ago

Not sure why you are asking the same question again here, I've posted you the solution here https://github.com/TYPO3/get.typo3.org/issues/291#issuecomment-1063303335

Here the order of the commands is just wrong. Please stick to my example instead.

Now to your current problem here.

   &&  echo '{}' >composer.json \
   &&  ddev composer config "extra.typo3/cms.web-dir" ${PUBLIC_FOLDER} \
   &&  ddev composer config "extra.typo3/cms.root-dir" ${PUBLIC_FOLDER} \
   &&  ddev composer create "typo3/cms-base-distribution:^10.4"  \

These lines will:

marble commented 2 years ago

In https://github.com/TYPO3/get.typo3.org/issues/291 I am reporting that THE TEXT on the download page of get.typo3.org is ambiguous. IMHO that should be addressed. To the least, just make clear, that people don't change the value but use the lines EXACTLY as they are.

Why I'm asking here "again"? It's not again, it's something different. Here I'm asking about technical background that I want to learn and just get to work. You were kind enough over there to give some technical help. However, whatever I tried, I didn't get it working. And I reported that back in https://github.com/TYPO3/get.typo3.org/issues/291#issuecomment-1063842939 , "Still problematic", "Problem" So I think it's fair to continue asking.

I want to have a clear understanding of:

  1. Is it possible to give the docroot a different name?
  2. Is it supposed to be possible?
  3. If it should be possible: Can somebody provide an example that just works? I tried a lot of variations and couldn't find ONE way that works. So I want to know if it's just me doing something wrong. And how to overcome this.
  4. If it is not possible to use something different to public - then I'll just accept that and we can stop here. However, in that case it should really be a default value and should not appear as an option in the script at all.
marble commented 2 years ago

Another try

Here is another try with a different order.


# http://dummy.ddev.site:8071
# http://dummy.ddev.site:44371

## Remove the project, in case it exists
true \
   &&  [[ ! -z "${PROJECT}" ]] \
   &&  ddev poweroff \
   &&  cd ${PROJECT}  \
   &&  ddev delete --omit-snapshot --yes \
   &&  cd ..  \
   &&  rm -rf ${PROJECT}

## Create project
true \
   &&  [[ ! -z "${PROJECT}" ]] \
   &&  mkdir -p ${PROJECT} \
   &&  cd ${PROJECT} \
   &&  ddev config \
       --create-docroot \
       --docroot=${PUBLIC_FOLDER} \
       --http-port=8071 \
       --https-port=44371 \
       --php-version="7.4" \
       --project-type=typo3 \
       --xdebug-enabled=false \
   &&  ddev composer create "typo3/cms-base-distribution:^10.4" --no-install \
   &&  ddev composer config "extra.typo3/cms.web-dir" ${PUBLIC_FOLDER} \
   &&  ddev composer install \
   &&  ddev typo3cms install:setup

Encountering this problem



bmack commented 2 years ago

About 80% of the TYPO3 projects I'm working on since around 4 years do have a custom web-dir (not "public") so, the first question is "yes". Also with DDEV, however, I'm not using a bash script as you do. In addition, the option "web-dir" stems from the composer plugin https://github.com/TYPO3/CmsComposerInstallers - the Base Distribution is actually just a simple wrapper around a few TYPO3 Core packages.

composer create "typo3/cms-base-distribution:^10.4" --no-install bennitest
cd bennitest
composer config "extra.typo3/cms.web-dir" public_html
composer install
ddev config
> I define Docroot Location (current directory): public_html
ddev start

The folder structure looks good so far.

marble commented 2 years ago

Great, ...

thank you @bmack , your 'bennitest' example is great for me: it works, it's educative and gives me a lot of freedom, personally I will use variations of your example. With my bash-like scripts I only want to document exactly what I'm doing.

What worries me

The very first installation method we - highly - recommend on the Get TYPO3 download page is this one:

ddev config --project-type=typo3 --docroot=public --create-docroot
ddev composer create "typo3/cms-base-distribution:^11.5"
ddev typo3cms install:setup
ddev launch

This looks like a great start, but IMHO it is not. It is to fragile. It suggests, that you can specify a docroot other than public. But you CANNOT, or it'll break. It'll also break as soon as you have somethe like ddev create ... --no-install and so on. It is just too fragile. There seems to be a conflict between ddev create and the implicite composer create-project.

IMHO something should be done about this on get.typo3.org!

A working solution with DDEV and no local composer

The point of the installation method at get.typo3.org seems to be that it ONLY uses DDEV and Docker, no local Composer. Now, after having invested so much time into this, I had the ambition to find a way that works and to see whether I have understood things correctly.

And this is what is now working for me::


# http://dummy.ddev.site:8073
# http://dummy.ddev.site:44373

## Remove the project, in case it exists
true \
   &&  [[ ! -z "${PROJECT}" ]] \
   &&  ddev poweroff \
   &&  cd ${PROJECT}  \
   &&  ddev delete --omit-snapshot --yes \
   &&  cd ..  \
   &&  rm -rf ${PROJECT}

## Create project
true \
   &&  [[ ! -z "${PROJECT}" ]] \
   &&  mkdir -p ${PROJECT} \
   &&  cd ${PROJECT} \
   &&  ddev config \
       --auto \
       --create-docroot \
       --docroot=${PUBLIC_FOLDER} \
       --project-name=${PROJECT_FOLDER_NAME} \
       --http-port=80${PORT_DIGITS} \
       --https-port=443${PORT_DIGITS} \
       --php-version="7.4" \
       --project-type=typo3 \
       --xdebug-enabled=false \
   &&  ddev start \
   &&  ddev exec 'composer create-project "typo3/cms-base-distribution:^10.4" --no-install' \
   &&  ddev exec 'mv cms-base-distribution/* .' \
   &&  ddev exec 'mv cms-base-distribution/.git* .' \
   &&  ddev exec 'rmdir cms-base-distribution' \
   &&  ddev composer config "extra.typo3/cms.web-dir" ${PUBLIC_FOLDER} \
   &&  ddev composer install \
   &&  ddev exec "touch ${PUBLIC_FOLDER}/FIRST_INSTALL" \
   &&  ddev launch

And this is what I get as a result of this: 037

I'm taken to the install tool website. I like that better than doing the site installation with the TYPO3 Console.

To do