TYPO3 / crowdin-bridge

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Some labels are not exported from Crowdin to localize.typo3.org #12

Closed peterkraume closed 1 week ago

peterkraume commented 1 month ago

There are labels which are not exported from Crowdin to the zip files which are stored on localize.typo3.org.


In the ZIP file the mentioned identifier ist missing: https://localize.typo3.org/xliff/s/e/seo-l10n/seo-l10n-de.v12.zip

When you download the ZIP file which is built by Crowdin directly, the translation can be found in main/typo3/sysext/seo/Resources/Private/Language/de.locallang_tca.xlf

The language label pages.canonical_link.description was introduced with this commit: https://github.com/TYPO3/typo3/commit/79683d6f84c0837cc037bf382f67313af1a82e93

The first version of TYPO3 containing that label was 12.4.6: https://get.typo3.org/release-notes/12.4.6

The label is included in TYPO3 13.1.0. The problem therefore "only" affects TYPO3 v12.

I assume the problem is within our Crowdin Bridge. Maybe the problem is, that the new label was introduced after the official LTS release?

georgringer commented 2 weeks ago

can you conform that the label is now there? didn't change yet anything but also works in v3 locally

peterkraume commented 2 weeks ago

Yes, the label is now available in https://localize.typo3.org/xliff/s/e/seo-l10n/seo-l10n-de.v12.zip