TYPO3 / crowdin-bridge

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Download of language file must not be into master subpath #13

Open franzholz opened 1 month ago

franzholz commented 1 month ago

For some extensions it happens that tha language file download goes into a master subfolder.

E.g: /typo3conf/l10n/de/static_info_tables_taxes/master/

It should have been here: /typo3conf/l10n/de/static_info_tables_taxes/

This happens for the following extensions:

static_info_tables_taxes watchwords

The same error has been with tt_products for a long time. But now the download of tt_products is in the correct path. However all translation files are not downloaded any more.

georgringer commented 2 weeks ago

Hey @franzholz

sorry for taking me so long. I am currently rewriting the integration and have seen this issue + fixed it. all.zip

attached is a zip with all exports of tt_products from my dev system. I would be happy if you could check those if they work for you!

regarding your other extensions: please adopt the crowdin.yml file accordingly, - just as for tt_products and it should work out fine then

franzholz commented 2 weeks ago

The only thing you have changed is to add approved="yes", is it? Crowdin does not accept a XLF file with this attribute set. All other extensions are mostly already using the same configuration with the same filters for Github language files as with tt_products. So what must be changed then?

franzholz commented 2 weeks ago

The ZIP file of the tt_products language files are in the wrong folder structure.

Csh Modfunc Pi1/ PiInt/ PiSearch

The main translations are in these subfolders. In your ZIP files there is only an empty Pint folder.