TYPO3 / crowdin-bridge

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TYPO3 core main translation not downloadable (and thus selectable) #4

Closed sbuerk closed 1 year ago

sbuerk commented 2 years ago

Issue description

Current core main cannot download language packs. (Which is silently hidden). But checking the log, you could see the following for example:

Thu, 16 Jun 2022 20:06:46 +0200 [WARNING] request="13c0c32a6b4f6" component="TYPO3.CMS.Install.Service.LanguagePackService": Requesting https://localize.typo3.org/xliff/b/a/backend-l10n/backend-l10n-de.v12.zip was not successful, got status code 404 (Not Found) - {"request":"https://localize.typo3.org/xliff/b/a/backend-l10n/backend-l10n-de.v12.zip","status":404,"reason":"Not Found"}

It tries to downloade a languge file with v12 in the uri, which seams not to exists: https://localize.typo3.org/xliff/b/a/backend-l10n/backend-l10n-de.v12.zip

Opend in browser it displays following image

Looked up on crowed in, there are 9.5, 10.4 and main branch - 11.5 is here missing at all. I would guess that 11.5 branch may have to be added here as a first step ? And then doing some changes, like stated below ?


  1. Create 11.5 branch on crowedin (copy over translations from "main" ?)

  2. Not sure, but just from reading code on github maybe we should add here 12 as first version number: https://github.com/TYPO3/crowdin-bridge/blob/a9e0769d1f006600e4c3308ec94234c67e0ddba1/src/Info/CoreInformation.php#L22

  3. followed by adding here 11 => '11.5', at the top: https://github.com/TYPO3/crowdin-bridge/blob/a9e0769d1f006600e4c3308ec94234c67e0ddba1/src/Info/CoreInformation.php#L28

If I read the code correct, "main" should than switch and create the zip for "v12", and the "v11" zipfile based on the 11.5 branch (if configured as branch on crowedin).