TZM / tzm-blade

ZMGC Application empowers members with on-line tools, by providing a free infrastructure to easily exchange, analyse and disseminate information in a scalable, non-blocking manner using only Open Source software build by the community for the community. It is about building lasting and deep solidarity versus cheap and fast Facebook or Twitter campaigns
GNU General Public License v3.0
4 stars 8 forks source link

docpad integration #12

Open nkhine opened 11 years ago

nkhine commented 11 years ago

Chapter Static Site Generator

One of the many goals of the ZMGC is to enable chapters to easily setup an on-line presence.


  1. Once a user has been made a Chapter Co-Ordinator either the the Global or National level, they will get a new button called Create Chapter similar to
  2. On clicking this, the application will use to first check if the user has a GitHub account - if not it will create one. a. Create an Organisation b. Create a repository in this Organisation to store the web site. d. A CNAME form will be displayed requesting the user to add a domain.tld e. The app, will verify if this has been setup as per - if not display instructions.
  3. Compile the latest template code and push this to the gh-branch for the website repository.
  4. Github usually sends an email once the site has been built successfully to the user's account - maybe it is possible to intercept this and display it in the result.


mikeumus commented 10 years ago

Hey @nkhine, we're looking into this now.

mikeumus commented 10 years ago

So it seems at this time that the GitHub API cannot create users or organizations. We may direct users at this point in the interaction to go to and secure a username and org, or just the username and then make their chapter a branch from the main org's repo.

nkhine commented 10 years ago

i would go the route of creating a chapter as part of the main organisation and just either request the user to login using the GitHub federated login or create an account on github.

ofShard commented 10 years ago

So if I'm understanding correctly, the flow would go something like this?

Any editor would then be hosted on and accessed from the ZMGC site (which seems to be down).

nkhine commented 10 years ago

that is correct

for the site, i have an issue with the domain provider so for now it is hosted at - i have not updated the Federated Login so this would not work.