TZM / tzm-blade

ZMGC Application empowers members with on-line tools, by providing a free infrastructure to easily exchange, analyse and disseminate information in a scalable, non-blocking manner using only Open Source software build by the community for the community. It is about building lasting and deep solidarity versus cheap and fast Facebook or Twitter campaigns
GNU General Public License v3.0
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tzm network widget #14

Open nkhine opened 11 years ago

nkhine commented 11 years ago


TZM Network Widget project is a solution that would take the burden off chapter administrators to update manually chapter links by reading a central TZM Chapters Map Google Fusion Table maintained by the Global Connect Team (GCA), this is not effective and puts unnecessary workload on the GCA team in that this list will have to be duplicated as one copy is already in the GCA Trello Board under Official Chapters list.


  1. create the chapters.json from the 'Official Chapters' list
    • Trello instead of GFT
    • trello-node to pull the data as json for this specific list
  2. if a new item is added to this list (card is moved) then the TZM Network list changes in 'real' time
    • using or now.js for creating listener
    • instead of checking if Modified, I use a listner and on changes, then create new data/chapters.json file
    • show changes on view (in 'real' time)
    • then push data from server back to github (using the github API but it is better to make the standard node.js tools, like childProcess() ) - use
nkhine commented 11 years ago

this is done, uses although i need to find a better way to push changes back to github as currently we use where we spawn a git process and this makes a push.

so i leave this enhancement open