TZM / tzm-blade

ZMGC Application empowers members with on-line tools, by providing a free infrastructure to easily exchange, analyse and disseminate information in a scalable, non-blocking manner using only Open Source software build by the community for the community. It is about building lasting and deep solidarity versus cheap and fast Facebook or Twitter campaigns
GNU General Public License v3.0
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admin interface #41

Closed nkhine closed 10 years ago

nkhine commented 10 years ago

create an admin user and an admin view where all the users on the database are listed and editable only by the admin user, so that we have a view as follows:

[first name] [last name] [group - v]

where [ group - v ] is a list containing : Admin, Reviewer, Chapter Administrator, Member

create an interface so that the Admin user can add to the group list.

mikeumus commented 10 years ago

Hey @nkhine, is there a place online I may get the TZ logo in .ai, svg or other vector format file? Also in the front-end development of this, may I use SVGs for images/icons? At MDM we've been using SVG all of 2013 successfully, for example there is only one none SVG image in our latest delivered client website,

nkhine commented 10 years ago

i have sent you an email with the icon as SVG.

can you give me an update on this development?

mikeumus commented 10 years ago

@nkhine Haven't broke ground on this yet but will be finalized by Monday. May I use the PureCSS framework for my CSS in the mockups? It is very mobile friendly and what I'm used to working with at MDM. All of our client websites in 2013 used it successfully.

nkhine commented 10 years ago

i am sorry but this is not the task requested, please leave all the UI out and work on the back-end and mongodb so that when an admin-user accesses their Profile page they have an additional tab or link called 'Manage' so that when the user clicks that we get a page with two links:

Users and User Groups

1/. Users - Manage users

[search input box] - if you type the email, first name, or last name the list should be updated to list all results - return the first 10 results and page this.

[email] [first name] [last name] [group - v] [state] [save/update-button]

where [ group - v ] is a list containing : Admin, Reviewer, Chapter Administrator, Member

[state] should list whether the user is Active or not active, if not active then there should be a link / button to resend the confirmation email/token

we should also have a filter so that we can list all the 'Admins' for example etc... or list all the different [states]

2/. User groups

on this page i will need the ability to 'List groups', 'Edit group' and 'Add group' the long term plan for this will be to have a fine grain User Control List

Please note that i am using i18next to localize the interface so you will need to respect this.

mikeumus commented 10 years ago

Hey @nkhine, normally our workflow is to mockup/front-end first whatever needs the plumbing but I'm checking with @ofshard if he's okay with just using vanilla html elements for now.

ofShard commented 10 years ago

I will look into this and come up with a timeline this weekend. I do normally prefer to work with either a mockup or similar, as plain text links is pretty much the limit of my visual creativity.

But that appears to be exactly what you're asking for, so it shouldn't be an issue.

ofShard commented 10 years ago

This should be done by Thursday or Friday. Should be 8 hours of work at most.

nkhine commented 10 years ago


nkhine commented 10 years ago

i prefer if you use the LiveUI instead of jQuery and for the list of added user to be reactive without having to reload the page.

ofShard commented 10 years ago

Alright, I'll look into LiveUI.

ofShard commented 10 years ago

So you want clicking the icons in the State column to cycle in this manner: ("Green/Active" <=> "Red/Disabled"), and emails: ("Gray" => "Purple") every click sends AJAX to server to update? So every time they click a gray/purple email icon, it would send a new email to the user?

It seems this behavior would make the "Update States for Selected" and "Re-send confirmation for Selected" buttons superfluous. Can you perhaps clarify this for me?

nkhine commented 10 years ago


"Update States for Selected" and "Re-send confirmation for Selected" is for multiple records, rather then individual record.

ofShard commented 10 years ago

If it updates as soon as you click, it's impossible for a row to be in a non-updated State. So update all states would never have any effect.

nkhine commented 10 years ago

ok, i see, please remove this then.

nkhine commented 10 years ago

opera svg icons not displaying correctly

screen shot 2014-02-13 at 17 54 27

nkhine commented 10 years ago