TZYSJTU / Sketch-Generation-with-Drawing-Process-Guided-by-Vector-Flow-and-Grayscale

This is the official implementation of the AAAI 2021 accepted paper "Sketch Generation with Drawing Process Guided by Vector Flow and Grayscale"
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Get the final RGB result #5

Open EKGD opened 1 year ago

EKGD commented 1 year ago

I love your works, But is there any way that i can get the final RGB result with out wait huge amount of time for the process ?. Thank you for your work

TZYSJTU commented 1 year ago

do not show the drawing process will be faster you can find those cv2.waitkey() related codes

Einsames Brandenburg @.***


------------------ 原始邮件 ------------------ 发件人: "TZYSJTU/Sketch-Generation-with-Drawing-Process-Guided-by-Vector-Flow-and-Grayscale" @.>; 发送时间: 2023年2月6日(星期一) 晚上6:14 @.>; @.***>; 主题: [TZYSJTU/Sketch-Generation-with-Drawing-Process-Guided-by-Vector-Flow-and-Grayscale] Get the final RGB result (Issue #5)

I love your works, But is there any way that i can get the final RGB result with out wait huge amount of time for the process ?. Thank you for your work

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EKGD commented 1 year ago

thanks for your rely. i modified the code and remove all the cv2.waitkey() and cv2.witre() process in the loop. however it still cost lot of time ( more than 12 to render my image). This is my code. please help. `def process(input_path,output_path,step): global max global trueStep file_name = os.path.basename(input_path) file_name = file_name.split('.')[0] output_path_file = output_path+"/"+file_name if not os.path.exists(output_path_file): os.makedirs(output_path_file) os.makedirs(output_path_file+"/mask")


if not os.path.exists(output_path+"/process"):
####### ETF #######
ETF_filter = ETF(input_path=input_path, output_path=output_path_file+'/mask',\
     dir_num=direction, kernel_radius=kernel_radius, iter_time=iter_time, background_dir=background_dir)
print('ETF done')

input_img = cv2.imread(input_path, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
(h0,w0) = input_img.shape
cv2.imwrite(output_path_file + "/input_gray.jpg", input_img)
# if h0>w0:
#     input_img = cv2.resize(input_img,(int(256*w0/h0),256))
# else:
#     input_img = cv2.resize(input_img,(256,int(256*h0/w0)))    
# (h0,w0) = input_img.shape

if transTone == True:
    input_img = transferTone(input_img)

now_ = np.uint8(np.ones((h0,w0)))*255
if draw_new==True:
    stroke_temp={'angle':None, 'grayscale':None, 'row':None, 'begin':None, 'end':None}
    for dirs in range(direction):
        angle = -90+dirs*180/direction
        print('angle:', angle)
        stroke_temp['angle'] = angle
        img,_ = rotate(input_img, -angle)

        ############ Adjust Histogram ############
        if CLAHE==True:
            img = HistogramEqualization(img)
        # cv2.imshow('HistogramEqualization', res)
        # cv2.waitKey(0)
        # cv2.imwrite(output_path + "/HistogramEqualization.png", res)
        print('HistogramEqualization done')

        ########### gredient #######
        img_pad = cv2.copyMakeBorder(img, 2*period, 2*period, 2*period, 2*period, cv2.BORDER_REPLICATE)
        img_normal = cv2.normalize(img_pad.astype("float32"), None, 0.0, 1.0, cv2.NORM_MINMAX)

        x_der = cv2.Sobel(img_normal, cv2.CV_32FC1, 1, 0, ksize=5) 
        y_der = cv2.Sobel(img_normal, cv2.CV_32FC1, 0, 1, ksize=5) 

        x_der = torch.from_numpy(x_der) + 1e-12
        y_der = torch.from_numpy(y_der) + 1e-12

        gradient_magnitude = torch.sqrt(x_der**2.0 + y_der**2.0)
        gradient_norm = gradient_magnitude/gradient_magnitude.max()

        ############   Quantization   ############ 
        ldr = LDR(img, n)
        # cv2.imshow('Quantization', ldr)
        # cv2.waitKey(0)
        cv2.imwrite(output_path_file + "/Quantization.png", ldr)

        # LDR_single(ldr,n,output_path) # debug
        ############     Cumulate     ############
        print('Quantization done')

        # get tone
        (h,w) = ldr.shape
        canvas = Gassian((h+4*period,w+4*period), mean=250, var = 3)

        for j in range(n):
            # print('tone:',j)
            # distribution = ChooseDistribution(period=period,Grayscale=j*256/n)
            stroke_temp['grayscale'] = j*256/n
            mask = cv2.imread(output_path_file + '/mask/mask{}.png'.format(j),cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)/255
            dir_mask = cv2.imread(output_path_file + '/mask/dir_mask{}.png'.format(dirs),cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
            # if angle==0:
            #     dir_mask[::] = 255
            dir_mask,_ = rotate(dir_mask, -angle, pad_color=0)

            distensce = Gassian((1,int(h/period)+4), mean = period, var = 1)
            distensce = np.uint8(np.round(np.clip(distensce, period*0.8, period*1.25)))
            raw = -int(period/2)

            for i in np.squeeze(distensce).tolist():
                if raw < h:    
                    y = raw + 2*period # y < h+2*period
                    raw += i        
                    for interval in get_start_end(mask[y-2*period]*dir_mask[y-2*period]):

                        begin = interval[0]
                        end = interval[1]

                        # length = end - begin

                        begin -= 2*period
                        end += 2*period

                        length = end - begin
                        stroke_temp['begin'] = begin
                        stroke_temp['end'] = end
                        stroke_temp['row'] = y-int(period/2)
                        stroke_temp['importance'] = (255-stroke_temp['grayscale'])*torch.sum(gradient_norm[y:y+period,interval[0]+2*period:interval[1]+2*period]).numpy()

                        # newline = Getline(distribution=distribution, length=length)
                        # if length<1000 or begin == -2*period or end == w-1+2*period:
                        #     temp = canvas[y-int(period/2):y-int(period/2)+2*period,2*period+begin:2*period+end]
                        #     m = np.minimum(temp, newline[:,:temp.shape[1]])
                        #     canvas[y-int(period/2):y-int(period/2)+2*period,2*period+begin:2*period+end] = m
                        # else:
                        #     temp = canvas[y-int(period/2):y-int(period/2)+2*period,2*period+begin-2*period:2*period+end+2*period]
                        #     m = np.minimum(temp, newline)
                        #     canvas[y-int(period/2):y-int(period/2)+2*period,2*period+begin-2*period:2*period+end+2*period] = m

                        # if step % Freq == 0:
                        #     if step > Freq: # not first time 
                        #         before = cv2.imread(output_path + "/process/{0:04d}.png".format(int(step/Freq)-1), cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
                        #         now,_ = rotate(canvas[2*period:2*period+h,2*period:2*period+w], angle)
                        #         (H,W) = now.shape
                        #         now = now[int((H-h0)/2):int((H-h0)/2)+h0, int((W-w0)/2):int((W-w0)/2)+w0]
                        #         now = np.minimum(before,now)
                        #     else: # first time to save
                        #         now,_ = rotate(canvas[2*period:2*period+h,2*period:2*period+w], angle)
                        #         (H,W) = now.shape
                        #         now = now[int((H-h0)/2):int((H-h0)/2)+h0, int((W-w0)/2):int((W-w0)/2)+w0]

                        #     cv2.imwrite(output_path + "/process/{0:04d}.png".format(int(step/Freq)), now)
                        #     # cv2.imshow('step', canvas)
                        #     # cv2.waitKey(0)

                        # now,_ = rotate(canvas[2*period:2*period+h,2*period:2*period+w], angle)
                        # (H,W) = now.shape
                        # now = now[int((H-h0)/2):int((H-h0)/2)+h0, int((W-w0)/2):int((W-w0)/2)+w0]       
                        # now = np.minimum(now,now_)                   
                        # step += 1
                        # cv2.imshow('step', now_)
                        # cv2.waitKey(1)       
                        # now_ = now      

            # now,_ = rotate(canvas[2*period:2*period+h,2*period:2*period+w], angle)
            # (H,W) = now.shape
            # now = now[int((H-h0)/2):int((H-h0)/2)+h0, int((W-w0)/2):int((W-w0)/2)+w0]                          
            # cv2.imwrite(output_path + "/pro/{}_{}.png".format(dirs,j), now)            

        # now,_ = rotate(canvas[2*period:2*period+h,2*period:2*period+w], angle)
        # (H,W) = now.shape
        # now = now[int((H-h0)/2):int((H-h0)/2)+h0, int((W-w0)/2):int((W-w0)/2)+w0]
        # cv2.imwrite(output_path + "/{:.1f}.png".format(angle), now)
        # cv2.destroyAllWindows()

    print('total time',time_end-time_start)
    print('stoke number',len(stroke_sequence))
    # cv2.imwrite(output_path + "/draw.png", now_)
    # cv2.imshow('draw', now_)
    # cv2.waitKey(0) 

    if random_order == True:

    if ETF_order == True:
    result = Gassian((h0,w0), mean=250, var = 3)
    canvases = []

    for dirs in range(direction):
        angle = -90+dirs*180/direction
        canvas,_ = rotate(result, -angle)
        # (h,w) = canvas.shape
        canvas = np.pad(canvas, pad_width=2*period, mode='constant', constant_values=(255,255))

    count = 0
    for stroke_temp in stroke_sequence:
        print("count:" + str(count))
        angle = stroke_temp['angle']
        dirs = int((angle+90)*direction/180)
        grayscale = stroke_temp['grayscale']
        distribution = ChooseDistribution(period=period,Grayscale=grayscale)
        row = stroke_temp['row']
        begin = stroke_temp['begin']
        end = stroke_temp['end']
        length = end - begin
        newline = Getline(distribution=distribution, length=length)

        canvas = canvases[dirs]

        if length<1000 or begin == -2*period or end == w-1+2*period:
            temp = canvas[row:row+2*period,2*period+begin:2*period+end]
            m = np.minimum(temp, newline[:,:temp.shape[1]])
            canvas[row:row+2*period,2*period+begin:2*period+end] = m
        # else:
        #     temp = canvas[row:row+2*period,2*period+begin-2*period:2*period+end+2*period]
        #     m = np.minimum(temp, newline)
        #     canvas[row:row+2*period,2*period+begin-2*period:2*period+end+2*period] = m

        now,_ = rotate(canvas[2*period:-2*period,2*period:-2*period], angle)
        (H,W) = now.shape
        now = now[int((H-h0)/2):int((H-h0)/2)+h0, int((W-w0)/2):int((W-w0)/2)+w0]       
        result = np.minimum(now,result)     

        # if process_visible == True:
        #     cv2.imshow('step', result)
        #     #cv2.waitKey(1)   

    #     step += 1
    #     if step % Freq == 0:
    #         # if step > Freq: # not first time 
    #         #     before = cv2.imread(output_path + "/process/{0:04d}.png".format(int(step/Freq)-1), cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
    #         #     now,_ = rotate(canvas[2*period:2*period+h,2*period:2*period+w], angle)
    #         #     (H,W) = now.shape
    #         #     now = now[int((H-h0)/2):int((H-h0)/2)+h0, int((W-w0)/2):int((W-w0)/2)+w0]
    #         #     now = np.minimum(before,now)
    #         # else: # first time to save
    #         #     now,_ = rotate(canvas[2*period:2*period+h,2*period:2*period+w], angle)
    #         #     (H,W) = now.shape
    #         #     now = now[int((H-h0)/2):int((H-h0)/2)+h0, int((W-w0)/2):int((W-w0)/2)+w0]
    #         trueStep+=1
    #         cv2.imwrite(output_path + "/process/{0:04d}.jpg".format(trueStep), result)
    #        # cv2.imwrite(output_path + "/process/{0:04d}.jpg".format(int(step/Freq)), result)

    #         # cv2.imshow('step', canvas)
    #         # cv2.waitKey(0)  
    # if step % Freq != 0:
    #     step = int(step/Freq)+1
    #     trueStep+=1
    #     cv2.imwrite(output_path + "/process/{0:04d}.jpg".format(trueStep), result)
    #     #cv2.imwrite(output_path + "/process/{0:04d}.jpg".format(step), result)  

    print('total time',time_end-time_start)
    print('stoke number',len(stroke_sequence))
    cv2.imwrite(output_path_file + '/draw.jpg', result)

############ gen edge ###########                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

# device = torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
# pc = PencilDraw(device=device, gammaS=1)
# pc(input_path)
# edge = cv2.imread('output/Edge.png', cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)

edge = genStroke(input_img,18)
edge = np.power(edge, deepen)
edge = np.uint8(edge*255)
if edge_CLAHE==True:
    edge = HistogramEqualization(edge)

cv2.imwrite(output_path_file + '/edge.jpg', edge)

############# merge #############
edge = np.float32(edge)
now_ = cv2.imread(output_path_file + "/draw.jpg", cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
result = res_cross= np.float32(now_)

result[1:,1:] = np.uint8(edge[:-1,:-1] * res_cross[1:,1:]/255)
result[0] = np.uint8(edge[0] * res_cross[0]/255)
result[:,0] = np.uint8(edge[:,0] * res_cross[:,0]/255)
result = edge*res_cross/255
# for x in range(max):
#     trueStep+=1
#     cv2.imwrite(output_path + "/process/{0:04d}.jpg".format(trueStep), result)  
#     print(str(trueStep)+" final")
#cv2.imwrite(output_path + '/process/result.jpg', result)
#trueStep += 1
#cv2.imwrite(output_path + "/process/{0:04d}.png".format(step+1), result)

# deblue
deblue(result, output_path)

img_rgb_original = cv2.imread(input_path, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)

cv2.imwrite(output_path_file + "/input.jpg", img_rgb_original)
img_yuv = cv2.cvtColor(img_rgb_original, cv2.COLOR_BGR2YUV)
img_yuv[:,:,0] = result
img_rgb = cv2.cvtColor(img_yuv, cv2.COLOR_YUV2BGR) 

cv2.imwrite(output_path + "/process/"+file_name+".jpg", img_rgb)
# for x in range(max):
#     trueStep+=1
#     cv2.imwrite(output_path + "/process/{0:04d}.jpg".format(trueStep), img_rgb)
#     print(str(trueStep)+" rgb")
#cv2.imwrite(output_path + "/process/result_RGB.jpg",img_rgb)
