TZstatsADS / spr2017-proj3-group-9

spr2017-proj3-group-9 created by GitHub Classroom
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Meeting minutes 22 Mar 2017 #4

Open ltyue opened 7 years ago

ltyue commented 7 years ago
  1. improved the running time of GBM and RandomForest.

  2. Add some PCA features and Lasso features, image features from the descending dimension images. And currently our model's error rate has been reduced to 11%

3.Job Assigned: Imroze to finish the CNN features and is now been completed. Tongyue to find Transform Distance+ SIFT features and the image features after specific processing. Yaqin to work on the openCV and new possible features and is almost done now. Zheren to work on the HOG features extraction. Liangbin to work on the model test and selection part.

And I will start to manage the uploaded version of our project now. Cheer up!

is2548 commented 7 years ago

I built the CNN model in the document. Not just CNN features. Check out the document!