TabViewer / gtabview

Simple graphical tabular data viewer
MIT License
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Add unit tests, continuous integration, code quality metrics... #9

Closed s-celles closed 8 years ago

s-celles commented 9 years ago


adding unit tests and continuous integration could help to catch some bugs. You might have a look at @mdbartos PR to firecat53/tabview .travis.yml

Kind regards

wavexx commented 9 years ago

It's going to be much harder with QT, unfortunately. Some tests we could pull it over (like data parsing). I had some success testing GUIs using a combination of Xnest + xmacro + screenshotting, but it's a lot of work.

s-celles commented 9 years ago

I think that just integration tests could catch some basic errors (not whole unit tests) ie ensure that package install correctly both on Python 2.7 and 3.x (x>3) and that view(data) doesn't raise error. I'm aware that's probably not enough but it can catch some errors.

On Travis you need to have DISPLAY environment variable defined

You may need to add this to your .travis.yml

  - "export DISPLAY=:99.0"
  - "sh -e /etc/init.d/xvfb start"
  - "/sbin/start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --pidfile /tmp/ --make-pidfile --background --exec /usr/bin/Xvfb -- :99 -ac -screen 0 1280x1024x16"


s-celles commented 9 years ago

I was thinking of a very basic set of tests like:

file inside a tests directory

from gtabview import view
import gtabview

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

lst2 = [[1, 2], [3, 4]]

gtabview.TESTING = True

def display_row(x):
    return "R%02d" % x

def display_col(x):
    return "C%02d" % x

v_display_row = np.vectorize(display_row)
v_display_col = np.vectorize(display_col)

def test_list():

def test_numpy_array():
    a2 = np.array(lst2)

def test_numpy_matrix():
    m = np.matrix(lst2)

def test_numpy_array_3d():
    a3 = np.array(np.random.random((3, 2, 4))

def test_numpy_array_4d():
    a4 = np.array(np.random.random((3, 2, 4, 5))

def test_pandas_series():
    N = 10
    a_index = v_display_row(np.arange(N) + 1)
    s = pd.Series(np.random.random(N), index=a_index) = "Idx" = "Serie"

def test_pandas_dataframe():
    Ny, Nx = 10, 3
    a_index = v_display_row(np.arange(Ny) + 1)
    a_columns = v_display_col(np.arange(Nx) + 1)
    df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.random((Ny, Nx)), index=a_index, columns=a_columns) = "Idx" = "Col"

def test_pandas_panel():
    #Ny, Nx = 10, 3
    #a_index = v_display_row(np.arange(Ny) + 1)
    #a_columns = v_display_col(np.arange(Nx) + 1)
    #d = {}
    #def new_dataframe(Ny, Nx):
    #    return pd.DataFrame(np.random.random((Ny, Nx)), index=a_index, columns=a_columns)
    #for i in range(3):
    #    d["I%d" % (i+1)] = new_dataframe(Ny, Nx)
    #panel = pd.Panel.from_dict(d)

    items = ['Open', 'High', 'Low', 'Close']
    minor_axis = ['AAAA', 'BBBB', 'CCCC']
    periods = 5
    panel = pd.Panel(np.random.random((len(items), periods, len(minor_axis))), items=items,
        major_axis=pd.date_range('1/1/2000', periods=periods),


def test_pandas_panel4d():
    labels = ['Label1','Label2']
    items = ['Item1', 'Item2']
    periods = 5
    minor_axis = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D']
    p4d = pd.Panel4D(np.random.random((len(labels), len(items), periods, len(minor_axis))),
               major_axis=pd.date_range('1/1/2000', periods=periods),

def test_pandas_panel5d():

def test_csv():

def test_blaze_csv():

def test_blaze_table_uri():

def test_excel_xls():

def test_excel_xlsx():

you can run all tests using:

$ nosetests


$ nosetests -s -v

if you want it verbose and without stdout capture

You can run only one test using

$ nosetests -s -v tests/


$ nosetests -s -v tests.test_gtabview:test_pandas_dataframe

(you must insure that tests directory contains a blank file.)

My problem is that I need to close windows manually

wavexx commented 9 years ago

On 25/07/15 14:32, scls19fr wrote:

My problem is that I need to close windows manually

We could use wait=False, detach=True for testing.

view() returns a Viewer instance that you can close() at the end as well.

s-celles commented 9 years ago

Could we have a sort of global settings ?

gtabview.TESTING = True

By default it will be False

inside the view function you could use wait=False, detach=True

wavexx commented 9 years ago

On 25/07/15 14:43, scls19fr wrote:

Could we have a sort of global settings ?

|gtabview.TESTING = True |

By default it will be |False|

inside the view function you could use wait=False, detach=True

it's alredy there:

gtabview.DETACH and gtabview.WAIT control the default behavior.

I'll add a couple of basic tests later today.

s-celles commented 9 years ago

Ok my idea was to hide these details.

$ gtabview.set_testing_mode()


wavexx commented 9 years ago

On 25/07/15 14:48, scls19fr wrote:

Ok my idea was to hide this details.

|$ gtabview.set_testing_mode() |

In a couple of other projects, I just set the variables in the setup phase of the test.

s-celles commented 9 years ago

My idea is that when testing mode is set you can for example also print to console what you display using Qt. It helps to compare display in "manual" tests. In fact we should have testing mode manual and testing mode auto.

wavexx commented 9 years ago

On 25/07/15 16:03, scls19fr wrote:

My idea is that when testing mode is set you can for example also print to console what you display using Qt. It helps to compare display in "manual" tests

This would be hard to do.

What I was thinking is that I can test the results of one of the core functions (as_model) and compare the results item-by-item with a known good results. This does 100% of the I/O work, which is not bad.

Then you can also run view() directly via Xvfb, simply screenshotting at each view() call and compare the output with a known image (pretty much what matplotlib does).

It might over-trigger due to UI changes, but by comparing the results with the lower level tests you can get a pretty good idea.

The only thing is that I don't want to add too much stuff now, since I'm thinking about implementing editing, and this might again shuffle things around. By experience, I prefer to waste a bit more time testing manually in the beginning.

wavexx commented 9 years ago

Getting there:

s-celles commented 9 years ago


I just wonder why no Numpy and Pandas tests ? I have update my previous comment with some tests

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s-celles commented 9 years ago


You might also verify code quality (don't expect 100% ... that's just a metric to be informed)

You can test PEP8 conformity locally using either:

Some people are using tox to automate this (and more). I haven't use myself.

There is also interesting free online services (especially for Python - and open source projects)

Tests coverage might also be considered

on line service for tests coverage

You should probably add to your

extras_require = {
    'dev': ['check-manifest', 'nose'],
    'test': ['coverage', 'nose'],

Numpy and Pandas might also be dependencies for 'test' and 'dev'.

You can also probably add badges for PyPi package

Kind regards

wavexx commented 9 years ago

coverage is already submitted to, although right now the service doesn't seem to work (

I've set up a large test matrix, in order to have all combinations of dependencies (mostly, to avoid extra dependencies creeping in).

s-celles commented 9 years ago

I don't think coveralls doesn't work. I think a .coveralls.yml is missing or .travis.yml should be modified (depending if you use python-coveralls or coveralls-python)

s-celles commented 9 years ago

or a .coverage


Create a .coverage file and you can use coverage, pytest-cov, or nosexcover. Then you can add in the after_success step:
wavexx commented 9 years ago

On 27/07/15 14:01, scls19fr wrote:

or a |.coverage|

I already have 3 projects submitting stuff to coveralls, so I'm not sure. .coveralls.yml is only needed if you're not using travis-ci, and .coverage is correctly generated as well by nosetests --with-coverage (the build logs shows the real coverage and submission seems to work as well).

No idea, I submitted an email for feedback earlier today.

s-celles commented 9 years ago

Thanks. gtabview will become my new example for my new Python projects ;-)

You might have a look a landscape and codacy. It take 2 minutes to enable and that's very useful.

wavexx commented 9 years ago

coveralls seems to have caught up. I added more tests regarding data handling, but of course the tests for view() and the matploglib interaction will require something more hackish..

I'll try to do something about it (at least for matplotlib) later on..

wavexx commented 8 years ago

Travis is driving me insane. Never had so many problems with package installations and versions as their new "containers". They're only faster, but break in so many possible ways it's not funny. I'm going to switch back to their "sudo: required" approach.

s-celles commented 8 years ago

Good luck @wavexx

wavexx commented 8 years ago

I think this is covered successfully now.