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fix(ui): theme color issue #2482

Closed wwayne closed 5 days ago

wwayne commented 5 days ago

What to fix

1. On mobile dark mode, the search panel background is transparent This is a wired issue, somehow on chrome and safari, hsl(var(--background)) will output rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) (opacity is 0), it is only happens in dark mode. I haven't found any related discussions on the internet. I suspect that on mobile, the --background variable is being modified by the browser.. One of my attempts to resolve this issue was to explicitly set the CSS variable --background on the parent element.

My fix:

// On mobile browsers(Chrome & Safari) in dark mode, using `background: hsl(var(--background))`
// result in `rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)`. To prevent this, explicitly set --background
style={theme === 'dark' ? { '--background': '0 0% 12%' } as CSSProperties : {}}

2. If user doesn't set theme and the system theme is dark, the color is incorrect This is because in many places, we take the default system theme as light I added a new hook called use-current-theme, which detects the system's theme setting.

Screenshot 2024-06-24 08 33 17