TablePlus / DBngin

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Default Timezone (MySql / All) #96

Open Dominic-Marcelino opened 1 year ago

Dominic-Marcelino commented 1 year ago

Based on some tests (MySQL) it seems that the Database-Server uses the Computers timezone by default. As Server should mostly always run in UTC I want to suggest to set the default Timezone to UTC on server-creation.

Driver MySql8 DBngin build number: Version 6.0 (60)

macOS version: N/A

Steps to change it manually (on MySQL): Stackoverflow

  1. Add config: default-time-zone='+00:00'
  2. Perform queries:
SELECT now();
SELECT @@global.time_zone;
SET time_zone = "+00:00";
SET @@global.time_zone = '+00:00';