TablePlus / TablePlus-Linux

TablePlus Linux issue tracker
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SQL Server int data length is wrongly set as 4, which results in >= 5 length ints being truncated #172

Closed CreepPork closed 1 year ago

CreepPork commented 1 year ago

Please answer the questions below, it helps us to track the issue.

  1. Database version (Ex: PostgreSQL 10.0): Microsoft SQL Server 2008

  2. TablePlus version (the number on the welcome or about screen, Ex: build 81): build 192

  3. Linux distro (Ex: Ubuntu 18.04): Ubuntu 22.04

  4. The steps to reproduce this issue:

This happens also when running an SQL query too. I believe that this happens to all int data types.


DataGrip DDL:

-- auto-generated definition
create table StoreDoc
    StoreDocID  int identity constraint PK_StoreDoc primary key with (fillfactor = 80),
    -- etc...

Beekeeper Studio: Screenshot_20230216_101450

TablePlus: Screenshot_20230216_101535


Data (4 length int): image

Data (5 length int) see that data is truncated: image

CreepPork commented 1 year ago
