TablePlus / TablePlus-Linux

TablePlus Linux issue tracker
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Data not displayed correctly when null-bytes given in blob column (MySQL) #60

Open fabiobauer opened 4 years ago

fabiobauer commented 4 years ago
  1. Database version: MySQL 5.7.29

  2. TablePlus version: Alpha Build 54 (edit: still happening in Build 78)

  3. Linux distro: Arch Linux / Manjaro

  4. The steps to reproduce this issue:

    • Create a simple table with a blob-column
    • Insert a row with null-bytes ( \0 ) in your data INSERT INTO exampleTable (id, data) VALUES (1, 'This Is My Blob \0 There Are Many Like It But This One Is Mine');
    • The displayed column is cut of on the first null-byte

Keep in mind that this issue has been already reported by @simonhamp and was fixed in the MacOS version (

huyphams commented 3 years ago

I could not find away to represent the null terminated value in the Linux so I replace all the null terminated value \0 to space. I don't think it is a good solution because when the user update the value, all those null terminated will be gone.

The build 98 includes this fix. I will come back to this later.