TablePlus / TablePlus-Windows

TablePlus Windows issue tracker
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Set value to current date date #60

Open wout opened 5 years ago

wout commented 5 years ago

This is a feature request. It would be very useful to set the value of a datetime column to the current time. Currently, NULL, EMPTY and DEFAULT are the only available options from the contextual menu.

jazerix commented 2 years ago

I'm gonna bump this :)

A-Matt commented 2 years ago

I'd like to bump this as well. Number of times while trying to make a new table and it's just not possible even from a manual typing. This has been really annoying. 😅

sonswift commented 2 years ago

Hi all, the feature, set current datetime value, is available on the latest version. If the column is date, time or datetime type, it will have this menu in the context menu, and also in the right pane. If you don't see it, please give me more detail about your app version and database type. Thank you so much for your support. image image

A-Matt commented 2 years ago

Table Plus: 4.8.6 (186) x64 Database: MySQL 5.7

I can confirm I do see this when on selecting a row and updating the info. image

However on a Table creation this doesn't have it which is where most people will want to set the Default value of an item to be Now/current_time ETC.


sonswift commented 2 years ago

Hi @A-Matt, thanks for your feedback. We will consider to add it as soon as possible. I will give a notice here when it's done.

A-Matt commented 2 years ago

Thanks, great to hear! 😁

isimmons commented 3 months ago

Was this removed? I have version 262 for windows and have no now() option for creating or updating an existing row. Only Empty, Null, Default