TablePlus / TablePlus-Windows

TablePlus Windows issue tracker
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Feature request: Option to increase UI scaling #681

Closed ben-shepherd closed 2 months ago

ben-shepherd commented 2 months ago

Please answer the questions below, it helps us to track the issue.

It would be great to have an option to increase the UI scaling. The tables/functions sidebar and list of tables you have open are quite small on my screen size. I have tried increasing the font which helps with the data view.

  1. Which driver are you using and version of it (Ex: PostgreSQL 10.0):

not applicable

  1. Which TablePlus build number are you using (the number on the welcome screen, Ex: build 81):

Build 276

  1. The steps to reproduce this issue:

Monitor size: 1440 x 1080

Noted: If the bug is related to data, please attach an example SQL data.

sonswift commented 2 months ago

Hello @ben-shepherd, have you tried this option in the Preferences window, it will increase the font size of the left side bar.

To open the Preferences window, you can open menu Menu > Help > Preferences... or use the shortcut Ctrl ,

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ben-shepherd commented 2 months ago

Hello @ben-shepherd, have you tried this option in the Preferences window, it will increase the font size of the left side bar.

To open the Preferences window, you can open menu Menu > Help > Preferences... or use the shortcut Ctrl ,

Brilliant thank you. I think 'Preferences' being located in 'Help' is a bit unusual, probably why I couldn't find it. May be better if moved in to 'File' or 'Edit' sections